Chapter 25

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Blade's P.O.V

I sat and watched Lexi sleep her blond hair looked like a lions mane around her head.

Lexi had been unconscious all of winter break and school would be starting up again in a week.

I started to dose off watching her I had been up all week and was really tired I decided I would sleep in the chair till Lexi woke up.

Lexi's P.O.V

Running I was running so fast the breeze was cool and crisp.

The air fresh and the trees were a blur.

It was beautiful.

Then my eyes started to flutter open the sudden light hurting my eyes.

My body felt limp and I could barely move my head.

I laid there confused and concerned.

I finally saw Blade sleeping right next to my bed in a chair.

I suddenly realized that I was in the hospital and Blade was right there waiting for me to wake up.

With my body still limp I tried to speak only for his name to come out in a whisper.

He shifted in his chair his eyes opening slightly as I pretend to still be asleep.

I could feel him stare at me.

I whispered his name again this time fluttering my eyes open.

He leaned tword me grabbing my limp hand.

"Blade where are we?" I said acting like I had no clue.

"We're at the hospital you've been out a while" he said in a gentle whisper that I just barely heard.

I thought about for a bit realizing I was unconscious for sure, but how long.

"Ummm Blade how long exactly was I unconscious?" I asked.

I could here the heart rate machine pick up pace.

"Wow wow wow calm down only about two months one month I had school this last month was winter break so I was here watching you" he said smiling and petting my hand.

I started to freak out.

The machine started to beep super fast as I yelled.


When the nurse heard the machine and me yelling she ran in.

With my body still limp I couldn't move to get away as she injected me with some sort of medicine.

Making me pass out into that sea of darkness again.

The last thing I saw was Blade with tears in his eyes and my hand reaching toward him.

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