Chapter 17

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Axel's P.O.V

I wrapped my arm around the waist I found still kinda asleep.

Wait who's waist was I grabbing?

My eyes shot open to find my girlfriend the same size as me.

So either I shrunk or she grew back.

"Morgan wake up!" I said shaking her.

"What Axel I'm tired" she said rolling over.

"Babe we're the same size" I whispered in her ear.

She sat up straight instantly.

"Who shrunk or grew?" She asked hugging me.

I looked around and everything thing was normal sized.

"I think you grew babe" I said standing up.

"I'm going to call Blade to see what's up with Lexi why don't you get dressed" I said walking away to call Blade.

Blade's P.O.V

I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said sitting up and stretching.

"Blade it's Axel! where's Lexi?" I heard Axel say.

"Dude I have no idea I just woke up just give me one second" I said standing up.

"Ok dude hurry!" Axel said sounding excited.

"Lexi where are you?" I yelled trying to listen for her voice.

"I'm over here!" I heard her yell from the floor.

"Where is here?" I asked kneeling down.

"Under this fabric you threw on me last night I can't get out" she yelled struggling under what she was under.

I looked around and saw a pair of my underwear moving.

She must be under there.

I lifted up the underwear to find my girlfriend hanging on to them.

"Worst game of hide and seek since I broke my leg" she said jumping on to my hand.

"What was I under anyway?" She asked looking up at me.

"You don't want to know. Axel called to talk to you" I said making her look at me with disgust.

"Just set the phone done and put me on it" she said shaking like a dog when it's wet.

I did as I was told and walked away.

Lexi's P.O.V

I stood on the phone wondering why Axel called.

"Hi it's Lexi what you want" I said sorta mad cause I was tired.

"How tall are you?" Axel asked.

"About two inches still. why?" I said getting extremely confused.

"Cause I'm back to normal" I heard Morgan's voice come through.

"What you're normal get over to Blade's this instant guys" I yelled hanging up and running to my makeshift apartment to get ready.

"Hey babe what did Axel want?" Blade said looking into my apartment.

"Morgan is back to normal thier coming over right now" I said putting on my brand new dress.

"Wait but you're still tiny" he said getting dressed.

"Exactly why they're coming over" I said pulling my hair back into a pony tail.

"Ok then let's figure this out" he said sitting down to wait for Axel and Morgan.

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