The Selena (chapter 4)

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This little segment is just describing what the Selena looks like, figured I'd paint a picture with a thousands words... Or you know, less.

The Selena wasn't all that special, just a 450 foot long carrier. It was reaching the end of its lifespan and you could tell, large sections of paint were scraped away from close encounters with rogue debris or laser damage. Along with the missing paint, some areas were patched up with a quilted network of scrap metal welded into place.

Composing the outer hull were six storage units, three on each side and about 250 feet wide. These were used to hold all kinds of things, from small packages to fair sized cars and trucks. Each container was mounted to the main body of the ship with large hydraulic clamps, and could be jettisoned at will if the need arose. The only way to get into one was from the outside; through blast doors that were also hydraulic.

In gold lettering near the cockpit was the ships name, clearly painted in cursive and coated in heat shielding paint, so it wouldn't burn off during atmospheric re-entry. It was my fathers ship, and he would never willingly let it go.

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