chapter 1

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"Mr.Quinn!" I jumped coming out of my daze. "Hmm?" I asked my math teacher and he just shook his head, rolled his eyes and continued teaching. I usually pay attention in school and I have good grades but I have a lot to deal with right now. My parents are always fighting, I mean always. And my grandpa is really sick. And all of the stress is giving me anxiety and insomnia. I just can't seem to focus anymore.
Just then my phone vibrated. I unlocked it and seen that it was from my mom. She never texts me during school, she says that its a distraction. I read the message and my heart dropped.
Hey honey. I have bad news. Grandpa passed away. It just happened. I am so sorry. Do you want me to come pick you up? Love you.
My eyes filled with tears and I wanted to throw up. I jumped up and ran out of the class as fast as I could ignoring my teacher who was yelling my name. My vision blurred from my tears and I slumped down a wall. I sobbed. I was so close to my grandpa. He was always there for me. He was the first one to know that I was gay and he accepted it and encouraged me to be myself. Now that he's gone I don't know what I'm going to do. That made me cry harder.
I didn't even notice when someone sat next to me. "Are you ok?" A male voice asked from beside me. I looked up and seen pure beauty. I wiped my eyes quickly and cleared my throat "um. Yeah. I-im ok" I lied. "Then why were you crying?" He looked worried. "Its uh nothing really" I wiped another tear. He shook his head and I could tell he didn't believe me. "My name's vic" he smiled. His smile was perfect. Just like his tan skin, long brown hair and amazing brown eyes. I smiled "I'm kellin". "I like that" he stood up and held out his hand, I took it and he helped me up. He kept my hand as he dug in his pocket and pulled out a pen. He wrote something on my hand then smiled "call me" then he walked off.
Ok so now I have mixed emotions. Happy and sad. I pulled out my phone and replied to me mom.
Yes please come get me. I love you too.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket then walked out of the school. I sat on the stairs and waited for my mom to pull up. and the cool air was refreshing. About 10 minutes later she pulled up. I opened the car door and I seen that her eyes were red and puffy. Seeing her like that made me hurt, really bad. I pulled her into a tight hug and my crying fit began again.
Once I got home I cried for hours and u eventually feel asleep.
When I woke up grandpa was sitting on my bed. "Hey bud" he smiled and gave me a hug. "Grandpa? But-but how?" I asked and he just smiled. "I wanted to come say goodbye" I frowned. I'm going to miss him. But he looks so much better and happy. I hugged him again. "I love you kellin. And I know that its going to be hard but try not to let this bring you down. I'm going to miss you but don't cry over me passing on. I'm not sick anymore and I'm going to a better place. Just remember that I will see you again" when I pulled away he was gone and I whispered "I love you too"
*end of dream*
I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I checked my phone and I realized that I was only asleep for about half an hour. But it was the most i have gotten in a while.I wiped my face and stood up. I stumbled because I got a little light headed. I sat back on my bed and grabbed my phone remembering Vic. I looked at my hand at the slightly smudged numbers and dialed them into my phone.
I need someone to talk to. My parents already have their problems, I don't want to worry them with mine.
It rang a couple of times then his familiar voice answered.
"Hello?" He asked. "Uh this is kellin" I said shyly. "Oh! Hi kells" he replied cheerfully "what are you up to?". "Nothing really. What about you?" This is such a cheesy conversation. "I was just practicing my guitar". "Oh. Well I guess I'll leave you to it" I said slightly sad. "Oh no. Your fine. Um do you wanna go grab some dinner or something tonight? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to bu-" I cut him off "yeah. Sounds great" I tried to hide how happy I was "when and where do you wanna meet?". He was quiet for a little while, I assume thinking "I could come pick you up and then we can decide. If you want?" He asked. "Yeah. I'll text you my address". I can't believe this is happening! The most amazing guy ever asked me out! I internally had a freak out. "Ok. See you at 7?" He suggested. "Ok. See you at 7" I repeated. We both hung up. It was only 4. I sent him my address then jumped into the shower.
This day has been good and bad. And this whole no sleep thing is getting to me.

It is now 6:30. Why did I wait this long to get dressed?! I am digging through my closet trying to find something to wear. I pull out black skinny jeans and a gray tank top with a black american flag. I brush my hair out and check the time 6:56. I grab my phone, wallet, and my red converse then skip down the stairs. "Mom. I'm going out with a friend!" I call but she didn't hear me because yelling erupted from their room. Of course they are fighting, again. I wish they would stop.
I open the front door right as Vic is pulling up. I hope he can take my mind of of my crappy life. All I'm asking for is just one happy place.

That's the first chapter. I don't edit my stories so if you find any grammar errors or miss spelled words don't worry about it. The next chapter will be better and if I can, longer. It will be in kellins POV unless stated otherwise. Enjoy.

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