Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Connor's eighteen birthday came in a flash.

As the future alpha of the pack, today is a very important day. Not only does it mark his adulthood, he can now find his mate.

Everyone is busy preparing for his birthday party, making sure everything is perfect.

Knowing I'm not invited, I head back to my room after the preparation. Left with nothing to do, I decide to take a bath.

As I sat in the warm tub, my mind started to wonder.

'When Connor finds his mate, will he forget about Annabelle? Perhaps, will his hatred for me lessened?' I wonder.

"I hope he got a nice mate," I mumbled to myself. "Maybe she could help me"

I left the tub when the water started to turn cold.

I put on fresh clothes and pick up my dirty ones from the floor. A wooden bracelet dropped from the pocket.

I stare at it. Thinking how stupid of me to bought it.

It's a birthday gift for Connor.

I bought it while I was accompanying Damion. I should have known I won't have the guts to give it to Connor.

I sigh and throw it in the inner corner of my drawer.

As I shut the drawer, I suddenly felt uneasy.

Feeling confused, I scrunched my eyebrow.

Thinking reading could put me at ease, I head to the study room. It's the place I usually spend my time since no one uses that room. Everyone would hang out in the living room or game room. So it's a safe place for me.

I knock the door in case anyone is in there but there's no answer.

I let myself in and headed to one of the book shelves.

I scan through the old historical book. Looking for one I haven't read yet when suddenly my whole body shudders.

An intoxicating scent floats in the air.

Following the source, I turn around to find Connor standing at the door.

Our eyes met and my whole world stopped.

As I freeze, Connor quietly approaches me.

His eyes never left mine.

His hand reached out to me, touching my cheek softly. When our skin makes contact, I feel sparks.

"Impossible," he muttered.

A look of disbelief evident in his eyes.

My heart shook as the fact that I am Connor's mate started to seep in.

I took a step forward and so does he.

I touch his hand that rests on my cheek. Happiness filled me when I once again felt the sparks.

'Finally' I thought to myself. 'I can finally be happy'.

We were in our own world until I heard another voice.

It's Damion's voice.

As the spell broke, I looked at Damion who's staring at me with concern written all over his face. Although Connor never hurt me physically, Damion knows we're not on the best term.

"Are you ok? I've been calling your name," Damion asked, grabbing my hand and hiding me behind his back. As if protecting me from Connor.

I was about to reply to him when I heard a threatening growl from Connor.

"Dude! What's wrong with-", but before Damion could finish what he said, he's shoved to the wall by Connor.

Damion groaned from the pain.

"MINE", Connor growls.

Worrying for Damion's safety, I touched Connor's arm that strangled his neck.

I could see Connor relaxed slightly under my touch.

"Connor, let go of him," I plead.

Connor's eyes are pitch black, meaning his wolf is in control right now. Connor just growled but didn't drop his hold nor loosen it.

Damion's face visibly starts to lose its color and without thinking, I hug Connor.

Almost instantly, he let go of Damion and turned his body so he could embrace me.

I feel tingles all over my body where our bare skin touches.

It actually felt... Nice. Like I belong there. I belonged in Connor's arms.

But it only lasted for a second when I saw Damion on the floor, trying to get air as much as he could. I broke myself from Connor and ran to Damion.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked him.

Damion just nodded weakly, looking a bit pale.

I raised my head and looked at Connor.

His eyes were no longer pitch black but back to his usual grey eyes. His once warm eyes were no longer there, it's cold, full of disgust and hate.

"Connor," I called his name.

He stared at me and I know what he's thinking.

"Please don't do this," I whispered. Tears escape the corner of my eyes.

Connor wiped my tears gently. In contrast to his action, Connor's face hardened.

"I reject you as my mate," he said through his gritted teeth.

As the words left his mouth, my heart suddenly felt empty.

"Hah..." a sinister laugh escaped my trembled lips.

My brain pounds like crazy, and my heart shattered as I stared at him in disbelief.

I've been rejected by my mate.

I've lost my only hope.

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