sweet dreams

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Okay: One thing; the previous chapter has been edited after a few reviews, and I'm more happy because it makes more sense:)

Thankyou to Jayley in specific - you helped me greatly x.

Woo! I'm so excited about this chapter; It's one of my favourite episodes, because it's extremely amusing and touching, in a way.

Hopefully you enjoy it:) Review.

It had been three weeks since Freya had died. Three weeks since Merlynn nearly had the motive to leave Camelot behind, leave all those she cared for behind. She still thought of Freya; whenever she was alone, the druid girl would pop into her thoughts fondly and she would soon become forlorn with the clear message that she wasn't quick enough to save her. But, Arthur never suspected a thing. He could have never known the reasons why she would smile, then cut herself off, or when he would mention the Bastet creature, and she would choke up.

Arthur was clueless, and Merlynn was more than happy to keep it that way.

In those three weeks, nothing too exciting had happened. Then, there was news from Uther that there was a peace treaty signing with five Kings of Albion; King Alined, Olaf, Ivan and Anthony. Merlynn knew that there was lingering suspicion and paranoia from Uther, from the way she would find him often pacing in the Council Chamber amongst Gaius and others, or by himself. She knew why, too. These Kings would strike war at an immediate offense, and there was no telling what could happen.

King Alined. From what Arthur had informed her, he was cruel and extremely abusive toward servants and such. Which was, of course, why Arthur forcedly kept Merlynn away from the Square where the Kings' parties were arriving; she had been more than happy to avoid bumping into him, or looking at the man the wrong way. So, she kept residence in his chambers for the time-being, waiting until he rushed back up to grant her leave.

When he did, however, the first thing he asked was: "Where is Guinevere?"

Merlynn frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"Lady Vivien requires a servant to tend to her needs during her stay, and since your my personal servant who I will most likely be keeping busy, she is the only other option," he responded, rolling his eyes slightly.

"Well - she's Lady Morgana's servant, is she not?" she said pointedly.

Arthur sighed. "Morgana has granted this, so I need you to grab Guinevere then take her to Lady Vivien's guest chambers."

"Why not have another servant take her place? Surely there's plenty of people who will -?"

"No, Merlynn. We need someone efficient, competant, someone we trust. Lady Vivien needs to not feel as though we're a bumbling babbling band of bafoons!" he retorted, then raised his eyebrow. "Maybe you shouldn't tag along then."

She answered with a sharp slap to the shoulder as she tore past him. "Oh, please. The countless times I have saved your prat-arse -" she sighed. "Don't worry. I'll go find her."

After hauling Gwen from the wash room, the two friends began to make their way back up to Lady Vivien's chambers. They locked arms with each other as they strolled through the corridors, and Merlynn knew that she looked a sight. Considering those in the other Kingdoms were so used to the traditional female, servant or not, dressed in feminine attire, Merlynn would seem like a confused-gender, or they would simply shun her away, snickering at the absurdity of her fashion choices. She had already recieved quite a few raised eyebrows from some of the Kings' most trusted knights as they passed but, when she smiled, they returned it kindly (when they realised that she was a female, indeed.)

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