teh lady catrina

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New chapter! Enjoy :)

Thank you to all those who reviewed, favourited and alerted me. :) I appreciate it - my friends see me bouncing in my seat every time my email beeps me. haha

Beauty and the Beast:

Gauys could see a change in Merlynn; the way she would all of a sudden go into deep thought, or have an absent, wistful smile on her lips throughout the day. He was suspicious, but said nothing, only returned the smile with a knowing look in his eyes.

The kiss. That kiss that changed everything between Merlynn and Arthur. She kept reliving it, every moment their lips touched it became a memory, a fond memory scorched in her mind that would never go away. Her feelings had developed to the point of danger - she knew it, and had a lingering suspicion that so did Arthur.

She sighed absentmindedly and tapped her knees to an unknown rythmn. Suddenly, Merlynn was jolted out of her thoughts with a sharp slap to the back of her head. She jumped, then turned her attention to Gaius.

"Keep it up, Merlynn," he said. "We got a busy day ahead."

Merlynn blinked, then grunted as she shifted the string of pots that hung from her neck. She smiled warmly at the people who offered her jars for delivery and grimaced when they passed. "It's a busy day everyday. You and Arthur, you two work me to the bone. I never catch a break," she complained.

"Do stop moaning," he announced. "At least the work's interesting." Gaius hadn't lifted a finger; he just casually strolled next to her as she had to carry every pot and jar Camelot had to offer.

"Gaius, we're collecting pots," she reminded. "That's not particularly interesting. We do the same thing each and every Thursday at exactly the same time, and nothing interesting ever happens."

A man shot forward and gripped her arm tightly. Merlynn gasped in surprise then tried to struggle from his grip as blackened teeth smiled at her. "Please, we seek Uther Pendragon. Where can he be found?"

She tried to get out of his grip even so. Merlynn didn't trust him, not even remotely. "Um, I -" He shoved an object in her hand.

"We have urgent business with the King," he added.

Gaius took the object from her and looked it over. Merlynn tugged herself from the strange man's grip. "I'm sorry, any business you have with the King will have to be pursued through the usual channels." He froze as he noticed the design at the bottom of the object. "But this is the seal of the House of Tregor. Where did you get this?"

"It does not belong to me," the man responded and motioned behind him, where the person pulled back their hood to reveal a beautiful, middle-aged woman. Merlynn was transfixed by the almost unnatural beauty of the older woman; skin the colour of ivory and just as flawless, and she gave Merlynn a smile, which only enhanced her perfect features.

"My Lady," Gaius muttered, and bowed. Noticing that his niece still hadn't done the same, he hissed her name and she shot down into a bow. "Merlynn, why don't you inform the King of Lady Catrina's arrival?" Merlynn nodded, handed him the pots and jars then rushed off toward the castle.

Merlynn gently nudged open the door to the Council Chamber to see the King already seated in his throne. "My Lord," she bowed.

"What is it?" he asked her curtly. Uther was very thoughtful about his son's servant - she was faithful, of course, but she was also utterly clumsy and kept getting in trouble. He narrowed his eye suspiciously.

"Lady Catrina of Tregor has arrived in Camelot. She requests a meeting with you, My Lord," she responded. "Gaius asked me to tell you. So, here I am."

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