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To all the new readers who aren't able to continue reading due to language difference I'm really sorry. I've been really busy since I started college thus I can only edit some chapters when I find time. Sorry guys!!


A few weeks has passed without me trying to do anything at all. I admitted defeat despite the fact that none of whatever happened was the truth. I guess I just got tired. It was one of the moments where you've fallen too deep after trying and trying and eventually you just want to give up and rest for a bit. I wasn't really fired from my job but when the company learned about the fake article I decided on my own to just quit.

The company head was reluctant to let me go when I went up to the head's office and give my resignation letter.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes. I just want to stay low and let the hype die down on its own. It would also be a good time to take a rest." I smiled softly as I explained my opinion.

Sensing that my decision cannot be steered anymore, the head gave out a sigh and accepted my letter albeit still reluctantly. The head knew about the truth. He personally made it a mission to help delete the article and stop other media outlets to publish the same article.

I was thankful for everything he's done so far to help me but despite that I still felt embarrassed. I couldn't face the group. I tried to explain –calling their phones and sending messages –but they've set their minds. I badly wanted to make them believe me but they've chosen already.

I couldn't just go and leave without at least saying goodbye. They would be off for a tour in Japan and then to other countries. Since it's been so long since I've actually worked with them I didn't know the other countries they'd be going to.

"Excuse me, I was just wondering where Cnblue would be practicing?" I asked the assistant on the front desk of the FNC building.

She stared at me confused and probably a tad bit annoyed. I ignored her reaction and thought that maybe she's a fan thus her actions. She then turned to her computer to check. A few clicks from the mouse and the keyboard she faced me again with an irritated look on her face.

"4th floor, room 404."

I thanked her and continued my way to the said room. I heard her utter a few words about me too confident that they'd even let me inside the practice room but I ignored her.

I entered the elevator and proceeded to click on the button. I felt myself jitter from nervousness. After all this is the first I'd be seeing them after a few weeks and probably also the last.

As I heard the ding of the elevator, I stepped off of the elevator and turned left. I walked towards the room quietly as if I was afraid to make a sound that would give me away. I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breathe to try and disperse my nervousness. I then held onto the door knob, twisted it and pushed the door open.

"Manager!" Jungshin called out surprised by my sudden appearance.

Even though I came here on my own, my eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights. I stared at them like a weak prey just waiting to be pounced on by my predators.

"What do you want now?" I didn't have to turn my head to the person to know who spoke with such venom in their words. I internally smiled thinking about the fact that I was welcomed this way and I'd also be sent off this way.

"I just wanted to say goodluck to you guys on the tour. Silly of me to do so knowing you've already gotten used to it. Still take care of yourselves, okay? You may not be like those other idol groups that dance and do all those stunts on stage but still you should be careful. Not dancing doesn't mean you're prone to accidents. And don't forget to have fun." I smiled at each one of them but when I turned to Yonghwa I quickly averted my eyes.

I then bowed down for the last time and went off.


"I have this urge to run up to her and try to stop her. Is it just me or is she trying to say goodbye to us?" Jungshin mumbled.

"Obviously Jungshin. We're going to another country and she's not coming. Isn't it social custom to say goodbye to a person who's leaving?" Minhyuk retorted sarcastically.

"Plus we have no choice. The head told us to let the rumors die down for now. We can't really have anything to do with her in public and that includes inside the company."

Throughout the conversation Yonghwa kept silent only focusing on adjusting the strings on his guitar.

"But if we don't do anything she might be fired or worse she'll quit on her own!"

"We have no choice Jung. Even if we want to do something the company told us to ignore everything and let them take over."

"Can we please start practicing now?" Yonghwa states, wanting to change the topic.

Everyone moved towards their places slowly, distracted by their own thoughts. Noticing that he wasn't the only one who had a lot going on inside their own head, Yonghwa sighed and spoke up.

"Let's just go home for today. We still have to pack our things."


I've put all the other chapters on draft mode including chapter 25 (which is already written in English). I'd be going through them and rewriting them before publishing them all continuously. Thanks for reading up to this chapter and please wait!

So I was using Wattpad through mobile and apparently the other chapters aren't on draft but when I checked again using my laptop it's on draft. ugh

cnblue's new manager (to be turned into an english fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang