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Hi! So I haven't been able to update but anyways I'll try to do so. Since it's summer and I have nothing else to do I'll try to keep doing this fic.

I really wasn't expecting this. Except I really had no other choice. Since I was the previous president of the fanclub of Cnblue, I'm currently being investigated by my company.

When I arrived yesterday at the company to report about the recent schedules of the boys I was interrogated by one of the company's staff for the reason of my application to this job. Honestly, I didn't understand why since it was them who assigned the boys to me but apparently my position before was a threat towards the band.

They probably thought I was another psychopath fan who's out for blood. Nevertheless, I agreed to the investigation. But I was still worried for these boys. I had to leave them in the hands of another manager here in the company. I even asked for the name of the temporary manager and his number so I could still help him with whatever the boys needed. I has been a few months already so I understood already how everything works inside the band.

I agreed and explained my side. I understood that I might be making things up although my answer was the legitimate reason I was here. The staff further explained that it would take a few days before I can return to my job.

Since I had no further tasks for the day I stayed inside my house. And honestly, when I thought that a break would do me good it was a wrong idea for my part. I was bored to death staying at home. I was so used to doing something so the prospect of not doing anything at all irritated me to no ends.

After a few hours I was already finished with cleaning the house. And I kid you not, I cleaned the whole house; every nook and crany of it. I've read all the books inside the house and played all the games I had. Going online was not an option. I didn't like to do anything or I couldn't. I've read all the fan fictions that appealed to me, updated all my social media accounts and even played the latest games on the app store.

If I went out of the house the people would probably recognize me. And I'd possibly get killed and death by fans didn't appeal to me much.

Maybe I'll just go to sleep. I mean I had nothing else to do therefore sleeping was the best option. I was about to go to the room when the doorbell to my house rang. Which means I had a visitor who disturbed my decision to sleep. My brain automatically decided that whoever this is shall die in my hands. No one disturbs my sleep and lives.

I glared hard at the door to show my irritation towards the person behind it. I opened the door to see Yonghwa outside my house. Immediately my glare softened to surprise.

"Don't murder me. I come in peace."

"What the hell? Why are you here?" I let out a weird noise to show him my irritation -that wasn't really irritation. "Come inside quickly before your fans notice you." I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, shutting the door with my feet. Afterwards I turned to him to silently demand an explanation.

"Hey! If it wasn't for my awesomeness you'd still be bored to death now." I snorted to show him that he was right and I didn't like that fact one bit. He grinned at me in reply.

Damn this guy for being sweet.

"Are you falling in love with me again?" He asked staring at me sweetly.

I take everything back. This person was probably sent by the underworld to torture me even more. Now I've been sentenced to death by irritation.

Never open the door to Jung Yonghwa. Never again. I regretted doing so because it proved that he was really just here to torture me. He ordered me around like this was his own home; asking me to cook for him, entertaining him etc.

And all throughout these orders he was laughing at me. Talk about being sadistic.

Despite these I still can't get over the fact that it was actually really nice of him to do such for me. I mean he went on his way to stay with me throughout my boredom. That's why I still hate him.

We were using my laptop when we decided to look through the latest news regarding the rumors surrounding me and the boys. As we scrolled through the net we came upon one article that caught our attention

Inside the lives of Cnblue
by Tricia Kim

He grabbed the mouse and immediately clicked on the article. We read through it and I felt dread rush through my veins. The contents were all correct and extremely personal to these boys. Not to mention private.

What the hell.

"I shouldn't have trusted you. Fuck." Yonghwa stood up and rushed to leave my house.

I tried to reach to him to explain that it wasn't me but he ignored me. I felt tears pricking my eyes. It burned. The trust I've worked hard to achieve from these boys suddenly crushed because of someone else.

He didn't look back. Not even when I apologized and explained. He kept going away.

I felt the tears I tried to prevent from falling cascade down my cheeks.

I lost.

cnblue's new manager (to be turned into an english fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum