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Suddenly feeling active rn so yeah. HELLO DEAR READERS. <3



Oh my gosh!

Never have I ever imagined myself to step inside such a house. Especially if it's the house of these 4 boys who managed to capture my heart. Seriously, oh my gosh.

I should probably write a book entitled 'The Perks of Being CNblue's Manager.

"Welcooome!" Minhyuk said exaggeratedly. I didn't even look at his eyes since I was still gaping at the beautiful house.

"Wow!" was the only thing I could actually produce from my mouth --which was probably still hanging open.

I couldn't even describe the beauty of the house. (AN: that's why please look at the photo. hihi. it's the house from He's Beautiful and I fell inlove with it so excuse me for using it here in my fanfic.)

As I was still gaping at their house I didn't notice that I was left with Yonghwa --while the rest of the boys entered their house snickering because of my gaping face --which caused me to suddenly stiffen. The threat he left for me was still fresh inside my mind and it still scared me.

"Trying to memorize our house so you could report this to your fellow fangirls?" he scoffedafter saying those words then he entered the house.

It really breaks my heart to see how much Yonghwa hates me. 

"I wont do that! And besides, your fans already know about this house." I shouted at him since he was far now. I din't know where the sudden courage came from because I suddenly stuck my tongue out at him, which was such a childish move.

"Ya! Manager! What are you waiting for? Come on in!" he yelled at me. I looked up and he was at the balcony of the house. He was grinning at me which I returned with a nod and a smile.

As I entered Jungshin placed a pair of slippers on the floor for me. I muttered a thank you to which he just smile at. 

That smile that melts people. 


During my stay here Jonghyun was really nice to me. Like super nice...

"Come here! Sit down." Jonghyun said pointing at the empty seat available.


"Do you want anything to eat?" Jonghyun asked while he smiled brightly at me


"You must be tired, do you want to take a nap?" he asked concerned for my well-being.


"Wait, manager. Do you wanna watch anything?" Minhyuk asked as he turned on the television.


"Nope. I'm alright. I'll just watch whatever you are going to watch." I smiled at him appreciating his consideration.

"Alright." he took hold of the remote and looked for whatever show he wanted to watch.

"What are you going to watch?" curiosity got the best of me and so I asked him straightforwardly. 

"We got married. You know they're rerunning it since a lot of people like the Yongseo couple. Besides the episode wherein we are there is airing today." he said. Then I looked at the screen where the show was starting and sighed.


It was already half way through the episode. We were laughing at the silly antics of the boys in the show. Even Jungshin and Jonghyun joined us once they heard their voices from the show. In one way or another the four of us got close. 

But Yonghwa was nowhere to be found. He's probably upstairs in his room. As if proving my assumptions he suddenly went down.

He hissed at what we were watching and suddenly he turned off the television without our permission.

When he went inside the kitchen the boys apologized for what Yonghwa did.

"Sorry Tricia"

I told them that it was alright. Minhyuk and Jonghyun went to their rooms to take a bath since they felt sweaty after our little bonding time together.

Yonghwa's attitude awhile ago got me confused. I turned to Jungshin who turned the television on. When I opened my mouth he cut me off suddenly.

"Ignore hyung. We got married is just a sensitive topic for him" he chhukled to himself.

I asked him why.

"Let's just say an arrow was shot through his heart." he excused himself after to take a bath too --probably since my mind was in the gutter so I wasn't able to concentrate at what he told me.

I thought everything was just a rumor and they just did those sweet things just for the show. Wasn't it all a hoax? Or was everything he did true. I sighed at the thought.

Worst of all he did those things with my bestfriend. 



Annyeonggie! Will update soon since there's this gigantic idea inside my head and I don't want it to go to waste and be forgotten. See you soon my lovely readers. <3

cnblue's new manager (to be turned into an english fic)Where stories live. Discover now