Day 24- To The Person Who Gave Me My Best Memory

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To my brothers who aren't really my brothers-

Jesus fucking Christ, another letter the recipient will never see.

So my favorite memory is with you two. I know we're not really related, but you're basically my brothers anyway. We've been together a long enough time. We've had a lot of great memories that bring a smile anytime I think of them. There is, however, a specific memory that stands out to me.

It was either the last time I slept at your house or the time before. We were all on Cody's bed. You two were playing that stupid BMX game that I suck at and I was laying next to you 'cause I was super tired. It wasn't anything special, really. I just felt like I was really home. I felt like everything was normal and okay. I don't know why, but I did. I've never really felt that before.

-From your sister who isn't really your sister

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