Day 7- To My Former Flame

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You (don't) know who you are-

I can't even begin this without telling you how much I still love you. I think about you every day, think about emailing you, think about how I shouldn't think about because all it does is hurt me. All you ever did was kill my heart and the worst part of it? You never had a single fucking clue. Isn't that ironic? I told you everything except the fact that I fell for you harder than I'd ever fallen.

You have no clue about it still (unless you read this and deduce your own identity). Maybe that's what kills me- the fact that I am so hopelessly and completely enamored with you and you probably don't even remember the fact that we were best friends. As a clue, let me tell you: you are male and we were best friends for the better part of last grade. Still having a hard time figuring it out? Your nickname derives from your last name. You're just stupid if you haven't figured it out yet.

But that makes us both stupid, right? I'm stupid for loving you an you're stupid for never fucking figuring it out.

-You know who I am.

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