Day 16-To Someone Not In My State

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Cooks and Ginge,

You didn't think you'd get away without a letter, did you? Well I hope not, 'cause here you go.

I love youboth. Let me say this first before anything else and I'll ask you to remember it. I love you both an immense amount- Cooks for obvious reasons and Ginge because you've never once told me to shut up or that I was stupid or anything. You help me a lot my dear bears.

But even though I love you, it's hard to deal sometimes. Cookie, this is mostly for you. I'm not angry or trying to upset you or go behind your back. This letter is mostly to get things off my chest- you can read it if you want, but it's mine. I love you but it's hard to try and always hold you up. It's so hard to pick up myself and you too. But I'll do it, okay? Don't ever think I wont. I will hold you up as long as you need me to. You don't even have to help me. I can do It all myself.

Love always,


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