Chapter 15~Hangover

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I woke up wrapped in a sheet on the living room floor. My head was pounding. The night before slowly came back to me. Sherlock, John and I went out and got blackout drunk. I looked around the room from my position on the floor. Empty glasses and liquor bottle littered the floors and tables. There was a spilt bottle of gummy vitamins near where I was lying. Around me, Monopoly money was scattered around my sheet wrapped body. What exactly happened last night? I lifted my head, and a fresh wave of throbbing in my brain and nausea washed over me. I groaned and let my head fall back on the floor. I just laid there for a while. Too hungover to move. The flat was silent. Then I heard rustling. John emerged from his bedroom, pausing to look at the living room. He rubbed his eyes.

"Jesus..." He mumbled.

"Morning." I muttered from the floor.

"Where's Sherlock?" He asked. Before I could answer, the bathroom door opened. Sherlock emerged, his hair messy and his clothes rumpled. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Do you two feel as terrible as I do?" He asked.

"I think Jax is having issues. She had the most to drink last night." John said.

"I'm in burrito-mode, leave me alone." I said. Sherlock and John sank down in their chairs.

"Well, last night was...strange." John said.

"John, why did you pour Monopoly money on me while you were crying?" I asked. There was a pause of silence.

"I don't know." John said after a while.

"You kept muttering ridiculous things and then repeating them in perfect classical Latin. You're one intelligent drunk." Sherlock said to me. I scrunched up my face. The memories were coming back to me.

"Oh my god. Sherlock Holmes, you absolute pyscho!" I shouted. I sat up, the sheet still wrapped around me.

"What?" Sherlock asked. I pointed to the gummy vitamins on the floor.

"Remember those?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes, obviously confused.

"You force-fed me those gummy vitamins while screaming "I just want you to be healthy". I have never been so terrified in my life." I said. His face went blank, remembering everything.

"Well, remember when John said we were out of ice so you collapsed on the floor and started sobbing while shouting "but where will the polar bears live"" Sherlock said. It all came back to me.

"Alright, alright let's stop with the drunk stories." John said and we all agreed that that was the best idea. I shrugged the sheet off of me and went into the kitchen. I groaned at the sight. The kitchen was filthy. The table was crowded with test tubes and Sherlock's little experiments. The counter was covered opened food packages and empty containers. I went over to the toaster. There was a sticky unknown substance stuck to it and it wouldn't turn on.

"Seriously, Sherlock?" I called.

"What?" He asked from the living room.

"You broke the toaster!" I shouted. There was a pause.

"Oops." He said simply. I scoffed. I grabbed a pair of protective gloves and some safety goggles. Quickly putting them on, I fetched Sherlock's blowtorch. I got out a loaf of bread and fired it up. At the sound if the blowtorch, Sherlock and John rushed into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" John asked.

"Making toast. Want some?" I asked. John sighed a little in relief.

"Yeah, sure." John said, going back into he living room.

"Sherlock?" I asked.

"Sure." He answered, joining John. John and I raised our eyebrows. Sherlock's eating? I made breakfast, and after we finished John said that Lestrade had a case for us. We quickly got dressed and left to inspect the crime scene. It was in an office building, with a fancy man-made lake by the side of it. Apparently, a body was found in a car outside the building, but there was quite a lot of evidence in the office. Sherlock asked John and I to bring him the evidence from inside the building. We climbed up to the fourth floor. As John and I were leaving, I spotted something unusual. I stopped, staring at it.

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