Chapter 14~Night Out

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The next morning, I awoke still in Sherlock's bed. I recalled the events of the night before. Ah yes, Irene Adler jabbed a needle in my arm and drugged me. I remember perfectly. I also remembered rambling off to Sherlock about my past. Note to self: DO NOT get drunk around Sherlock. I sat up, stretching my arms over my head. I actually got a full night of sleep. I hopped out of the bed and entered the living room. John was still asleep and Sherlock was curled up on the couch, asleep as well. I tiptoed up to my room. I showered and dressed in fresh clothes. By the time I went back downstairs, everyone was up and bustling about. I joined Sherlock and John at the table in the living room. Mrs. Hudson had made breakfast and was rattling around in the kitchen. Mycroft stood in the room, leaning against his umbrella. I sat down at the table next to John. Sherlock was reading the paper, the cut from where I had punched him still red.

"Good morning." John said.

"Good morning." I replied, stealing one of John's bacon strips. Mrs. Hudson quickly brought me a plate and I thanked her.

"You know Sherlock, you could've just woken me up and I would've moved." I said. His eyes didn't leave the paper.

"I tried. You were out like a light." He said. I dug into my breakfast, my eyes scanning Mycroft.

"The photographs are perfectly safe." Sherlock said.

"In the hands of a fugitive sex worker?" Mycroft said.

"She isn't interested in blackmail. She, for some reason." Sherlock said, looking up from the paper.

"I take it you've stood down the police investigation into the shooting at her house." I said, looking up at the older Holmes brother. Mycroft's brow knitted.

"How can we do anything while she has the photographs, our hands are tied." Mycroft said irritably.

"She'd applaud your choice of words." Sherlock remarked.

"Don't you see how this works? That camera phone is her get-out-of-jail-free card, you have to leave her alone." I informed him.

"Treat her like royalty, Mycroft." Sherlock said with a mocking smile.

"Though, not like she treats royalty." John said. The woman moaning came from Sherlock's phone again. I rolled my eyes.

"What was that?" John asked.

"Text." Sherlock answered, getting up to fetch his phone.

"Did you know there were other people after her too, Mycroft, before you sent all three of us in there. CIA trained killers, to be exact." Sherlock said.

"Yeah, thanks for that, Mycroft." John said snapped. I scoffed.

"I could've taken them." I said.

"You could've taken on three CIA trained killers by yourself?" John asked.

"Wouldn't be the first time." I said with a smirk.

"It's a disgrace, sending your little brother into danger like that." Mrs. Hudson scolded, entering the room to give Sherlock his food.

"Family is all we have in the end, Mycroft Holmes." She said.

"Oh, shut up Mrs. Hudson!" Mycroft snapped.

"Mycroft!" Sherlock said.

"Oi!" John said.

"Hey!" I said. We all said these things at the same time, of course. Mycroft looked up, realizing his rudeness.

"Apologies." He said.

"Thank you." Mrs. Hudson said, shuffling out of the room.

"Though do, in fact, shut up." Sherlock remarked as she left. Mycroft left the room briefly to take a phone call, and Sherlock's phone made another moaning noise.

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