Chapter 2~Intriguing Sherlock Holmes

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~Jax's POV~
I typed the two words into the search box and pressed enter. I hadn't really been able to get my mind off the consulting detective. Maybe it was because he was the only new face I'd seen for the last few years. Being locked in the same white room for years makes you more interested in sudden visitors. I scanned the results on the screen. The Science of Deduction by Sherlock Holmes. I clicked the entry, and found myself reading his blog. It was extremely interesting, and I found myself reading for hours without even noticing it. I looked at the digital clock on the wall, and saw that I had been reading for a long while.

"You fell asleep again, didn't you Tom." I said. There was no answer. I smiled to myself.

"I thought so." I hopped out of the chair and started to circle the room. My mind was buzzing. Bored, bored, bored.

"At least that Holmes guy has crimes and cases to keep him occupied. I have to stay in here and wait for them to give me assignments. I wonder if he gets as bored as I do. No wonder he had such a nasty drug habit." I said, thinking out loud. I sighed loudly. I wonder if he will be back. He didn't say why he came, but I had a feeling it wasn't because of an inspection. I glanced at the clock over and over again. The long night had begun. Being an insomniac, and a prisoner for that matter, I have a lot of time on my hands. The only problem is that I have nothing to do with that time. They give me assignments, which weren't that challenging, whenever one came up. And I go through books faster than they can supply them. And an individual can only use so much paint. And staring at these same white walls every single day, made me sick of the color white. I paced around the room, letting my mind wander over the countless files and documents I had stored up there. I glanced at the three doors in the room. One led to the observation room. One led to the bathroom. And the other led to the fitness room. I stared at the window.

"Tom?" I called. No answer.

"Tom." I said louder. I grabbed a random book from off the floor and threw it at the window.

"Tom!" I shouted.

"Y-Yes?" He said over the intercom, groggy from sleep.

"Can I go in the fitness room?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He said sluggishly. The third door in the room slid open, and I walked through it. The fitness room was exactly what it sounded like. It was filled with weight lifting machines, treadmills, and other fitness machines. Throwing my hair up in a ponytail, I approached the nearest machine. I ran on the treadmill and worked on a few weight lifting machines before going over to the combat training area. It was fully equipped with punching bags and combat mannequins. There was a knife throwing and shooting range, but I could only use those if I had supervision. Tom had probably fallen back asleep. I strapped on a pair of gloves, and went over to one of the punching bags. Punching the crap out of an inanimate object is a real stress reliever. I'll spare you the long night of punching and kicking. Being an insomniac sure does give me a lot of time to learn how to hurt people. As the sweat dripped from my face, I checked the clock. I had been in here for hours. I liked working out, it let my mind numb over. Just me, my fists, and the punching bag. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and headed to the shower.

~Sherlock's POV~
I watched in the observation room as Jax circled around the room, her eyes darting around. Tom had fallen asleep on the table, as well as John. I sat with my feet propped up on the table, watching intently as she tried to find a way to relieve her boredom. I couldn't imagine being in her situation. I would certainly go mad if I couldn't solve murders. I watched as she read my blog, her eyes narrowed in concentration. She would nod her head every once in a while, like she agreed with whatever I had written. After she had read my entire blog, which didn't take long at all, she started pacing around the room like a caged animal. Which, in a sense, was what she was.

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