Valerie Graves

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I woke up to find myself in a hospital. I looked around. I was hooked up to a bunch of machines. "Help!!!" I yelled. A nurse came running. "Where's my sister?" I asked. "She's in another room. If you're feeling okay, I can take you down there." She said. "I'm fine." I said. She uncooked everything and led me down the hall. They wouldn't let me go in. I only got to look through a window. "She fractured her brain. She may have lost some memory." The nurse explained. "Why isn't she awake?" I asked. "She's in a coma. A girl found you guys and brought you here." "Can I go meet the girl?" I asked. "Sure. Follow me. She's just in the waiting room." I followed her down the hall and down the elevator. She pointed toward a girl who had on a pink top, black skirt, and tan ankle boots with white socks that go just above her boots. "Um..excuse me?" I said tapping on her shoulder. "What?!" She yelled turning around. "Oh, sorry it's you. Are you okay?" She asked me. "Yeah, but my sister's not." "I know. They told me. I'm really sorry. This is Heather. I'm Valerie. Valerie Graves." "I'm Camryn. My sister is Kimmie." I said. "Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure. Heather go over their for a minute." Valerie said. "So how old are you?" She asked.
"I'm eighteen. What about Kimmie?"
"She's five."
"You go to school here?"
"I took the GT test today and-"
"That must have been yesterday. That's when I found you."
"Anyways... I'm supposed to start going to MacKendrick Prep on Monday."
"Omg. I go there. You live around g here?"
"No, we don't live anywhere anymore. My dad did that to my little sister!" I said raising my voice.
"She died while giving birth to Kimmie."
"I'm sorry."
"I promise what you say will stay with me. I'll work hard to make you popular like me. My parents can adopt you and Kimmie."
She gave me a hug.
"Valerie?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Do you have any enemies?" "Just these freshmen that I go to school with. Nothing you have to worry about." "Oh, okay." "Let's go see Kimmie." She said. We walked to her room and they said we could go in now. I sat in the chair by her bed. Valerie stood by me. I started to fight back tears as I grabbed her little hand. "Kimmie, the nurse told me you would lose your memory so you probably won't remember me. If you don't it's okay. There's so things in the past that you don't need to remember. Its horrifying. Please. You gotta wake up. You have to fight. You're the other thing I have to live for." I couldn't hold it in. I let the tears out. I looked at Valerie. Her eyes were starting to get puffy. She wanted to cry. I haven't trusted anyone in a long time. I trust you Valerie.

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