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Like a second skin, blood coated every inch of me. Nothing left to show but my face, unconcealed by the top of my parka that laid in shreds. Somehow my stocking cap had remained on securely around my head, protecting my skull, temporarily, from the snow beneath as it tangled and clotted my hair with chunks of ice. Clothes will never stand a chance against knives for nails or teeth.

A shaky hand curled against my chest, slick with red and numb from the cold. Was it mine? It braced against the slowing heave of my chest, sounding all water logged and hurting with each expansion of tired lungs. This didn't feel like me, I was detached. My throat was thick and clogged, so I didn't bother to make any noise. Shock.

Maybe it was all that bad karma I had shoveled onto myself, trying to kill things that didn't deserve to die. Maybe it was the lesson I was always supposed to learn. As I had never loved another, never got the chance.

Or maybe this was the chance.

Sharp teeth tore at the flesh of my thigh, ripping me open. Tattered jeans exposed my pale skin to the biting winter air. My guts were spilled on the snow. I couldn't function.

Chapped lips remained shut, acceptance washed over me in cool, calm, collection.


Had I known this was the turning point of my life, maybe I would have tried to come to my senses earlier. Maybe I should have been more kind later. Maybe I could've tried to solve the mysterious blanks within my life.

But instead, my pupils dilated and clear focus dissipated, I was lost even to the sound of his voice.

and so it begins !

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