038- epilogue

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The Spring Equinox is rapidly approaching, and Winter is dying off quickly. The snow has receded  to the shadows, clumped in mucky gray patches that remain tucked under evergreens and alongside cabins. From the kitchen window of our cabin, I can see the way Spring is trying to take hold. The trees are brighter green, the grass is growing as it pokes through the brush, and the flowers I planted in the Summer are teeny sprouts in the garden.

I'm happy here, I can feel it all the way to the marrow of me. The road to heal was long, winding, dark. The trauma and grief manifested in my dreams, my relationships, and my self image. It took years to repair myself, but I did. I still am. Nonetheless, now I reap the rewards. 

Since the fight, we haven't had any other altercations with outsiders, other than Arlo's pack. There have been no signs of hunters either, which settled a lot of fur around the Pack after spending months on edge, preparing for retaliation of some sort. It never came. 

Arlo visits just about once a week, especially since I got pregnant. He has been helping Damon build the nursery. I think he's just about as excited as Damon. I told Arlo I wanted him to be his grandpa and he couldn't have been happier. After so long being alone and left behind, it feels like I am finally building a family of my own. A real one. And my heart has never felt so full. 

"Goddess don't you look sexy standing there like that," my Wolf is leaned in the door way, his gold eyes hungry and dark.

"The Equinox is a a week away, don't even give me that look. You're going to pop me," I try to be stern but I can't help but laugh as his eyebrows hike up. Bracing one hand on my lower back, I rub my swollen belly with the other. Damon approaches, ducking his head to kiss my lips in a way that leaves heat stirring in the deeper parts of me. He then kneels down to raise my sweater over the swell of my abdomen and press a kiss to my belly.

"I'm so excited to meet her, but damn I can't deny I love seeing you like this." He presses another kiss to my belly.

I roll my eyes playfully. "I love you," I remind him, always feeling as if I can never say it enough, always trying to make up for lost time. Even though Damon constantly reminds me I've long been forgiven.

Damon raises back to his feet, "I love you more, baby." He wraps me into his embrace, kissing my temple softly. I sigh and sink into his hold, leaning my head on his chest and curling my fingers around his forearm. At this point in the pregnancy, I'm huge, and constantly tired. My low back aches all the time and the cravings have gotten a little ridiculous. "Do you need a foot rub?" 

I practically moan with that thought and Damon uses my noise as an affirmative. He sweeps me off my feet and carries me to the couch where he sets me down softly and plops down next to me. Lifting my legs onto his lap, he pulls off my socks and begins working his thumbs into my  swollen feet. 

"And to think I almost passed you up," I teased with a grin, laying my forearm over my eyes. 

He pinches my big toe, "You could have never rejected me after having my big-" 

The way he cut off immediately puts me on edge. I move my forearm from my eyes and prop myself up to look at his face that is twisted in concern. His eyes are glazed, the signature of a mindlink. 

"What is it?" I whisper, fear seeping into my chest. Instinctively, I curl an arm around my belly. It's hard to imagine something disturbing the peace that has mostly ensued since the attack. My life has since softened. For once, I have been able to learn how to relax. I'm terrified of losing that so soon. Though I know the quiet never lasts forever.

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