Let's Chase

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Reader's POV:

"I think someone is following us." Yoongi saw a shadow in his peripheral eyesight and informed Jihoon about the act. He was skeptical from the moment they rounded the clearing for the cooking area. A person, a girl to be specific, has been on their tail since then, which is about thirty minutes now.

"What? It must be one of the three idiots with me." Jihoon shrugged. He didn't pay much attention to it. It was kind of assumable to him that one of the guys would follow him and disrupt his peace.

"But it's a girl." Jihoon stopped in his tracks, causing the older to bump into his little frame which led to a tumbling domino effect. Jihoon, fortunately, regained his balance in time while Yoongi lay flat beside his shoes.

"Are you okay?" The younger asked while lending a helping hand. If it were any of the three guys, he would have shrugged and walked off but since he felt generous about his partner, he decided to help. Maybe he can get a Seungchoel for himself.

"I am fine. So much for helping you out." Yoongi groaned while getting up and wiping the dust off his clothes. Jihoon took this opportunity to scan the area for the silhouette of a girl. He focused his gaze on the route they walked previously and found a shadow of a person at the base of a tree. However, he was not sure if the person was a he or a she.

"You know. I do realize now why people think Asians have eyes, the size of coin-slits. The fuck you scanning like that?" Yoongi taunted. To him, Jihoon reminded him of a barcode reader machine minus the red light.

"Ahh. You were right. Someone is following us but I am not sure if it's a he or she." Jihoon groaned and started to walk forward. Yoongi decided to follow his trail like a duckling once again. He didn't mind when Jihoon took the lead. He found it cute.

Yoongi has been a single child. He has grown up with orphans since his father owns an orphanage supporting studies until college graduation. He was a fortunate kid among the lonely kids, so it was baseless for him to befriend anyone. That was unless he found Namjoon. 

Namjoon was the only guy in his eyes who seemed sensible and mature. Their emotional maturity kicked in almost immediately and they became best friends over the years. Yoongi is not close to anyone else except Namjoon. But Namjoon, even though younger, was only able to fill the spot for a best friend, or to the most, an older brother.

Talking to him would always be either a guide or a lesson. Yoongi always felt a sense of direction and clarity when they talked. But he did miss having a younger sibling. The one who would resemble him in his attitude and his antics can make his heart melt. Since the first glance that night, he knew Jihoon was going to be that and more than just a guest. 

"Should we try running is square?" Yoongi suggested, remembering it from a YouTube video teaching self-defence. 

"Do you think I am that active? Even walking five steps is my ten days cardio." Jihoon retorted back. Yoongi snorted, amused by the resemblance of their sarcasm. He could already imagine giving the same answer to Namjoon when he someday asked for a walk. But right now, they are being followed.

"You know what? We are still running." Yoongi didn't spare a second for Jihoon to grab his statement. He took the younger's hand and started running towards the Painting camp area. He was planning to take the route that formed a square, enclosing the painting, dance, writing, and music camp area.

"What did I tell you about Cardio just now?" Jihoon spoke between huffs as he struggled to run along with the younger.

"But look. I was right. We are being followed." Jihoon turned back to find a girl, hot on their trail. He increased his pace, taking Yoongi by surprise, and began running faster. He knows her. The one from the coffee shop where he almost lost his composure. He is not ready to face her. Especially when he has a company with him.

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