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Jeonghan's POV:

I ruffled my hair in frustration and my hands automatically reached my forehead to massage it. My hair resembled a birdnest and my clothes were hanging from my body. With barely opened eyes I tried to absorb my surroundings. I hissed when the blinding sunlight hit my cornea but thankfully, a figure blocked the light from the windows by standing between us.

It wouldn't take a genius to understand that I was still in deep slumber when I was forced to wake up. This messy state of mine was enough of a proof. I tried to look at the figure. That gummy smile stared at me, smirking. I looked around myself and saw a lot of cotton around me. A torn pillow caught my attention amidst the cotton.

Did he wake me up hitting me with that? Ahh- That's why my head hurts.

I looked at him and only his lips-moving figure could be seen. I couldn't understand what he was saying. My ears were taking a lot of time to adjust to the decibels and this headache was not helping. I groaned and asked him to shut up for a while. 

As if understanding me completely, which no doubt is true, he sat behind me and started giving me a shoulder massage. Even though he was the culprit of my headache, I let it go for the sake of my sanity. You don't want to witness a death the first thing in the morning, right?

"Can I speak now Mr. Prince?" Seungchoel asked playfully. Now his hands moved towards my spine, giving them light presses. It felt comforting. " Mhm." That's all I replied as I leaned forward, silently asking him for more. He understood.

"I know it's pretty relaxing but we don't have time. Wonwoo is bringing Jihoon here. They are on the way right now." I looked back at him instantly when he mentioned the name, and he gave me a worried smile.

"Your dad asked me to wake you up. He has something important to discuss with you and Jihoon. Today you three are having a family breakfast of some kind. That's all I know. I was asked to bring you there." He further explained. My mind found it hard to comprehend since I was still not fully awake. When the depth of the situation hit me, I went frenzy.

"WHAT THE HECK CHOEL?!! YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID IT FIRST." I screamed like a madman as I rushed to the bathroom and instantly put the paste on my brush. Even with the brush and foam in my mouth, I was swearing coherently and profusely. Within minutes I was done and went for deodorant.

 I still didn't stop cussing at him while I put on my black leather jacket- or so I thought - over my baby blue night t-shirt that had a giant teddy printed in the front followed by a sentence 'I want a hug'. I didn't bother changing my pajamas too as I heard the car honk for the main gates to open. 

Wonwoo must have arrived.

All this time, Choel casually watched me throwing my tantrums while he made my bed and cleaned the mess he created with the pillow. He didn't say anything to stop me and didn't even cut my sentence once. He just calmly bore me. When I heard the honk, I didn't even care if he was trying to point out something. I just grabbed his hand and ran for the hallway.

Soon we were standing in the hallway, my hands clasping Choel's tightly. It is Jihoon's first time in years to enter the residence. It is unusual for us to gather for any event, let alone breakfast. Maybe that's why I am on edge today. He gave me gentle tabs on my backhand with his thumb which soothed my nerves a little. There is a reason why he is my soulmate. He knows me like the back of my hand.

The doors opened and Wonwoo and Jihoon entered together. I was standing at the base of the stairs which had a fair distance from the main door. On the left side of the main door, hallways led to the kitchen and dining room. Right-side hallways led to the laundry room and backyard. The one passage behind the stairways led to the basement where I never stepped foot after that traumatic experience.

Jihoon froze in place after seeing me and Wonwoo had this tilted confused face. I didn't understand what caused them to act like this. Jihoon was giving me a scrutinizing glare. I looked at Seungchoel and arched an eyebrow. He returned me a nod with his eyes closed as if telling me to be patient and he'll explain. 

He left my side and stood a few steps away from me, facing me. He then brought his phone and a flashlight went on and off. He then tapped for a few minutes on his screen before I heard a ding on my phone. There was a message from him. A picture with the caption 'Jeonghan Chicken'. I gave him a weird confused glare before opening the pic.

"WHat the f---!". Instantly a curse left my mouth as I took in my appearance. I was in my night dress which I knew. But the supposedly black leather jacket was a wind-cheater which looked like I had wrapped a garbage bag around me. My hair was tangled and full of cotton. Toothpaste foam residue was on my cheeks and my dark circles made me look hideous.

"CHOEL!! You could have warned me!" I screamed at him again. Sometimes I am surprised by his patience towards me. How does he even deal with me? I can be irritating as hell when I want and this is one of those times. I hope he will still be at peace in life after this. 

"Did you let me? You were so panicked to 'rescue' your brother, you didn't even let me say anything." He quoted the word in the air and I just wanted to kill him then and there. He was talking about Jihoon in front of him. Even if I love and protect Jihoon, I like to do my brotherly duties in silence. He doesn't have to know. I glared at him and gave him a side glance, signaling towards Jihoon.

He gasped when he understood what I meant. He gave me an apologetic glance and I nudged him to follow me. There is no way I am having breakfast looking like this. I looked at Jihoon for one more time before climbing the stairs again which led to my room. He was still glaring disgustingly at me.

On our way, Dad crossed our path and he gave me a weird look too. It wasn't an anticipated reaction since he barely notices me or Choel unless for a mission. But today he did. He even commented.

"Why the hell are you looking like a hooligan Jeonghan!?"

What a fine thing to say to someone!

He looked at me disgustingly and I couldn't help but observe the resemblance between Dad and Jihoon. It doesn't matter how different they are, science will never fail. I can see where my little brother got his attitude and glare from. 

"It's fashion Dad. It's trendy." I simply replied and moved on. Every time he speaks something, I get this constant urge to rebuke it and show him down. He brings my defensive and rebellious side in an instant. I hate it. I heard a snort which I knew was from Seungchoel who again failed to conceal his laughter. I just shrugged my head and went back to the room to get dressed properly.

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