The end

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It was almost evening when she woke up but he wasn't home. She went to the washroom freshening up before going downstairs. She was hungry because she skipped her lunch and Raagavi was already mad at her. She made herself a bowl of Fettuccine Alfredo and returned back to her room. She was trying to avoid everyone since the news of her love affair. She thought it wouldn't be a big deal but it was affecting her mood lately. Everyone was giving her judgemental look.

After finishing her food, she was bing watching. She didn't even go downstairs for dinner because she was already full. She even felt asleep in her second movie. When she woke up, she felt a heavy weight on her left side of the body and a hand holding her other side possessively.

"Kesh, move I need to pee." She said but in returned he just patted her head. She rolled her eyes before trying to sneak out when she realised he was in a deep sleep. Whenever he would get tired, he would sleep like that well most of the time. When she returned he was still sleeping on the same position. On his stomach with his arm around his head and other one parallel to his stomach. She lay down beside him. Her sleep was long gone because she slept for almost the whole day. His face looked exhausted giving a fair idea of his hardwork.

He had to rush to States because of an emergency. A case was filled against their company because one of the worker cheated and stole money from the clients. So, he was asked to be present in the court. She can't imagine how much stress he had to deal. She was caressing the lines on his face making him unknowingly lean into her touch. She smiles tracing his face and he snuggling inside her neck in his sleep. He wasn't a deep sleeper but being with Nia, he become one like her. There were so many habit they picked up unknowingly from each other.

Soon it was morning and before her alarm could buzz she turned it off, trying not to wake him up. She tried to move out of the bed but his grips tightens around her waist. He stir in his sleep and she waits until he gets comfortable but when she moves again he wakes up.

"Go back to sleep baby." He says snuggling inside her neck.

"I can't, you know it's Sunday." She says

"Why do even pray this much?" He says annoyed in his sleepy voice before turning himself in the opposite direction. Praying in the morning was a habit now but Sundays were important. She could miss other days but not Sundays.

"Kesh you know it's important." She says softly running her fingers around his hairs and kissing his cheeks. When her relationship with her family was restraining, one of her friend told her to start offering Prayers to Lord Surya. Although it wasn't restraining but she felt a gap so she thought that maybe she could start and see if it actually benefits. It wasn't much but with this she felt peace and a deep connection to herself so she decided to continue as long as she can.

When she returned after doing her Prayers, he was still sleeping and she also realises that he didn't change before going to bed. She went back to him, trying to wake him up lovingly, she knew he hated when someone tried to wake him up.

"Wake up sleeping beast." She says in a soft voice poking him but he flipped on top of her and for a moment her body stiffened wondering what got into him early this morning but when he wrapped his arms around her waist laying his head on her chest, she relaxed.

"Stay still baby. I hope you don't want to wake the beast. Do you?" He says in a husky voice

When he woke up he didn't let her go downstairs not even for Breakfast telling her that he will ask the maid to bring her breakfast inside the room. It was  late but anyway she brought her breakfast. She was scrolling through her phone when she came across an article.

Aakesh Anath
My Wife, Niashya Aakesh Ananth was my girlfriend and the photos which you saw was mine. Don't confuse my pictures with my brother. They are friends and have a pure relationship. Anyone who tries to malice my wife image will have to deal with me. I won't hesitate to take legal action against them. Be it a news agency or an individual.

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