Winter & Autumn

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The conversation with Thesan went even better than she'd hoped. With a court full of healers it was in his best interest to avoid a full-scale war. He didn't even immediately turn down her suggestion of holding the meeting at his palace. There had been no agreement, only the promise that he would think about it, which was enough for Vel. But it wasn't the Solar Courts that she had been worried about. They tended to heed the voice of reason, unlike the Seasonal Courts.

Vel never would have expected the Winter Court to pose the lesser challenge out of all of them. Kallias, much like his predecessors, was cold and gruff and unreadable, but Amarantha had left a deep wound upon his court. One that she would exploit, no matter how unscrupulous it was or how much it pained her to do so.

Kallias's palace was unchanged. The halls were just as cold as she remembered, despite the fact that she'd exchanged her Day Court attire for a formal gown better suited to the Seasonal Courts. It was as beautiful as it was impractical, the corset digging painfully into her lower abdomen and limiting her movement. When she strode into the throne room, flanked by a pair of Winter Court guards, Kallias was waiting atop his throne. Vel noted that he spared her the indignity of waiting needlessly, getting straight to the point with his inquiry, "I hope there's a good reason for your sudden and unannounced visit."

She didn't bother to put on her most charming courtier smile. Kallias would undoubtedly not appreciate the effort either way.

"I am calling a meeting of all the High Lords. It will be held in two weeks time."

"The High Lords' assembly is not for another few years," he countered coolly.

"Circumstances have changed, Kallias. Recent events, which I'm certain you are aware of, demand immediate action. The looming threat of a Hybern attack on Prythian grows with each passing day."

"You would have us go to war, after everything that has happened?"

"I would have us go to war, because of everything that has happened. To protect what is left of our future."

Kallias's nostrils flared, a crack in his glacial demeanor. Vel had chosen her words poorly. "Where were you when our children were killed? Where were you when my mate was fighting for her life trying to protect the Winter Court?" His fingers curled into a fist and the ice in his throne fractured.

"I am truly sorry for the loss. I wish I had the luxury of choosing what my dreams—"

"And yet, you came Under the Mountain to save Lucien Vanserra. You could have killed Amarantha right then, spared us the pain."



"I cannot undo the past. But we can try to secure a better future, a safer future for Prythian's children."

"Leave. Don't make me banish you from my court."

Vel's eyes narrowed but she inclined her head slightly. "Two weeks. I will send word of the location." She whirled on her heels and was out of the palace before Kallias could change his mind about exiling her.

If this was supposed to be the easiest conversation in the Seasonal Courts perhaps Rhysand could just send letters to the remaining High Lords. Vel let out a weary sigh before winnowing to Viborg, hoping it was far enough from Kallias that he wouldn't mind her presence in his court for another night. Although the top room in the inn was available and the bed was just as soft and as warm as she remembered, sleep eluded her for the rest of the night.

"I never thought I would see you back here. You must want something quite badly," Beron mused from behind his desk. Vel was sitting on the same elegant leather couch across from him. There was even tea on the little mahogany side table. Untouched.

A Court of Flame & Shadow - Eris x OCWhere stories live. Discover now