The Dream

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Vel could have winnowed but she needed the time and the crisp morning air to clear her mind. Unfortunately, this meant that she got to her cabin just a moment too late. Cassian was already there. With Azriel in tow.

"Well, damn, where are you coming from so early in the morning?" Cassian smirked as she approached. He was downwind from her and he sniffed the air once, and then a second time for confirmation or perhaps just to grate her nerves. "And what an interesting scent you're carrying. Azriel does that smell like Autumn Court to you?" Azriel only cocked an eyebrow in her direction and she couldn't help the blush that spread over her cheeks at the intensity of his stare.

"Cassian, can you please shut that big mouth of yours?"

"No chance. But you can try to make me. That is if three days off didn't make you forget all your training." He threw one of his swords at her and she easily caught it. She spun in by the hilt a few times until the weight of it was familiar once again. She charged at him and their swords crossed, the ringing of metal on metal echoing in the clearing.

With their faces a breath apart she quietly asked, "Any particular reason why Azriel is here?"

"He heard you've been to the Spring Court. I guess he wanted to ask you something." Cassian gave her a toothy grin. "So, you and Lucien, huh?" She didn't let the relief show on her face. At least they thought it had been Lucien. If either of them found out what had gone down between her and Eris, well ... she wasn't sure if Azriel or Mor would be the first to strangle her.

Cassian tried to hook his foot around her ankle and trip her but she pulled back enough to unbalance him. As his leg slid forward she used the opening to knee him in the gut. Cassian stumbled a few steps back, coughing.

"I don't think who I do or do not bed is any of your business Cassian." She felt Azriel's eyes on her back. It was none of his business either.

"You're so prickly today, Vel. Was it not a good ride? You know Azriel and I would be happy to help with that." From the corner of her eye, she saw the shadowsinger shift his weight from one leg to another. Cassian completely ignored his brother and Azriel didn't seem like he was going to jump to her rescue any time soon.

"Fine. The ride was great and I'm sulking because I have to be here instead of over there getting a second and a third helping. Is that what you wanted to hear Cassian? Or should I also describe his cock in great detail for you?" Cassian barked out a laugh – enough of a distraction to kick his feet out from under him. It had rained the night before so the ground greeted him with a mouthful of mud. "If you two are done grilling me, I'd like to go take a bath."

They were, in fact, not done. Azriel had come to ask how relations between Spring and Autumn were looking. If they could expect any skirmishes, if she thought Beron would come to take his son home, and several other meaningless questions that he could have had answered by any of his spies from either of the two courts. It was thirty minutes later that she realized he was likely here to confirm for himself that there was indeed nothing left between the two of them. At least Cassian seemed content enough to stay out of it and was examining the collection of herbs and potions lined up on the wall. Although he was entirely terrible at pretending that he was not eavesdropping – he had been reading the same label for the past five minutes. Or perhaps she had it right all along and he was actually illiterate.

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