The Forest House II

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Vel had slept terribly.

She was used to having her sleep disturbed by prophecies and omens and all kinds of strange apparitions that she'd have to make sense of in the morning. What she was not used to was having her few hours of slumber disrupted by visions of an arrogant, preening male with fire-red hair. Not a prophecy, those never featured her, and especially not behaving so wantonly. No, this was nothing more than an unwelcome construct of her mind.

She groaned and rolled over on her back, the dull throbbing between her thighs a reminder of her fevered dreams. There was not much she could do here - the room was not truly private. The last thing she needed was for Nyoka to report her touching herself to Eris. She wondered if he would burst into flames with satisfaction.

In the dim morning light, Vel examined the new markings on her forearm. They were subtle - shades of brown swirls circled her skin like the vines of an ancient plant. A series of quick knocks on the door pulled her away from her thoughts and, just like the day before, the faerie entered without waiting for an invitation, the smell of breakfast closely following behind.

Breakfast had been just as lovely as she'd expected - a spread of meat, cheese, and fruit, accompanied by freshly baked buns and rolls. Nyoka braided her hair as she ate, a slightly awkward silence hanging between them.

Vel tried to clear the air. "I hope you know, I don't hold it against you," she said as Nyoka meticulously adjusted a complicated braid, that nobody would be able to see either way. "We all do what we need to survive."

"It's not just about survival for me, you know."

She knew. For Nyoka it was also about love. She wanted to prove herself worthy to Eris, to help him in his cause. Was he truly as cruel as he portrayed himself? Would he be able to use and discard her with no remorse? Would it go against the bargain to warn her?

A sharp knock on the door. She gently brushed away Nyoka's deft fingers and pulled her hood up, releasing the cloth panel that covered half her face. "Enter."

Eris opened the door, no doubt having listened to their little exchange. "Good morning," he said amiably - a courtier's practiced tone.

Vel popped a grape in her mouth and watched him intently from the couch. "Is there a reason why you are interrupting my breakfast?" she said with her mouth full. The day had only just started and Eris had already irked her. He looked perfectly put together, like he'd had a good, long, relaxing sleep, unlike her.

She hadn't had the chance to truly look at him yet. He was tall and powerfully built - more toned rather than broad, but she could spy the contours of his muscles underneath the slightly open white shirt he was wearing. Two identical jeweled daggers were strapped to his belt. Despite the weapons, Eris seemed relaxed, almost cheerful. He strutted over and plopped down on the couch across from her. Vel watched as Nyoka left and closed the door behind her.

Eris disregarded her earlier question, preferring to pick at her half-finished platter. "Will you be keeping that up?" he asked motioning towards her covered eyes with a piece of cheese.

"Of course. You never know who's watching in this place."

"That's too bad, yours is a lovely face. I was hoping I would get to keep looking at it." Eris said with a smirk.

"Shameless flirt. Why are you really here?"

"The High Lord is otherwise preoccupied. He has asked me to show you around the Forest House, maybe even give you a tour of the Autumn Court if we have enough time."

Vel visibly deflated. "No word on his plans?"

"He dismissed me and then locked himself in the study, though he still seemed in a strangely good mood." Vel hummed wistfully and looked out the window, the forest shone like gems in the morning sunlight.

A Court of Flame & Shadow - Eris x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ