Chapter 51

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Warning- A mental break down will happen in this chapter.

If I made mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix it. I posted this chapter on my lunch break at work.
Y/n's pov;
~The next day~
~Game room~

As I'm watching Honey, and Trois play darts. "Nah uh, you ain't getting near him. Walk away." I hear Uno say.

I turned around, and it was Dean. Uno and Rock were blocking him from me. "I just need to talk to him.".

"You did plenty of that already, when you were here the last time you talked to him. Do you not remember his warnings?" Rock asked.

"He won't leave, until he talks to me. Just let him talk." I said. Uno, and Rock let's Dean walk up to me. I crossed my arms."What do you want?".

"Listen you can hate and blame me as much you want, but let me explain why I told Sammy our escape plan." Dean said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Tb/n, I hate my dad as much as everyone else does.".

"Then why did you tell him?" I asked.

"Wait, is number 06, Sammy's son?" Hajime asked.

"Yes, and his sister is Sammy's daughter." I said.

"What?!" Everyone yelled. I covered my ears along with Dean. "Sorry,".

We uncover our ears. I sighed. "Fine, but it better be a damn good reason.".

"When Sammy realized something was off about us kids, he dragged me and my sister into his office and demanded us to tell him what's going on. But we refused to tell him, but Sammy had a plan up his sleeve. He threatened you and the other kids, by filling up our cell with poison gas he got from his supplier." Dean said. My eyes widen. "Me and you both know that Sammy never jokes around about stuff like that. So I told him everything, and i was forbidden to tell you or he would've kill us if i did tell.".

"That's why the security was tighter than usual back then." I said.

"It was either risk all of us or some of us dying when we escape. I never wanted any of those kids to die, my chest still hurts thinking about." Dean said.

I didn't know what to say, it made so much sense why Sammy was so pissed off lately and gave us a harder time. I should've realized it.

"Dean, I.. I didn't know." I said.

"No one could've. I was so guilty about it, I couldn't tell you guys after we got out. Neither could my sister." Dean said.

"I'm still pissed with you about the building fire, me and my brother suffered badly because of you." I said.

"I know, and if I knew you guys were in that building. I wouldn't have thrown, my lit cigarette in the grass. I know, I can't change that, and you have every right to hate me for that. But the part with my dad couldn't be helped. I wasn't going to risk all of my family being killed by my dad's hand." Dean said. He walked over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Even though the other kids blamed you for not trying hard enough for the kids that didn't make it out. I never blamed you for something that you couldn't help, you did everything you could.. Tb/n it wasn't your fault, they died.".

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