Chapter 50

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Warning-  Sensitive topics is mentioned.

Some of you were waiting for this moment between Y/n and Hajime so here it is.
Hajime's pov;
~A few days later~
After the whole Enki situation was over, Samon and Inori has been suspended from work for a while plus to give Samon time to grief. Since Noriko passed away, and Enki...Took his own life by ripping his own heart out. As much as I hate Samon, I feel bad for him.

Not only that Kiji told me what happened to Number 07 in the underground, and we brought it to the warden's attention.

"I see, so you say something happened to number 07 while i was gone?" Warden Hyakushiki asked.

"Yes ma'am, back in the underground. When we were surrounded by those dolls, I sensed a strong ability being activated in the room. And when I looked behind me, number 07 had a red glow around him and his eyes were different." Kiji said.

Hyakushiki looked interested. "Different?".

"The color of his eyes turned to a bright red while the white part of his eyes turned black.. I don't know if this was all over his body, but it was on his face. His veins turned red as well, he wasn't normal. He ripped all of those dolls in half or mutiple pieces. The other inmates had to hold him back, because he tried to come after us next. Number 02 got through to him, and 07 went back to normal and passed out on him. Not only that number 02 mentioned this happened before with Hachiman as well but different." Kiji said.

"A second time, but different?" She asked.

"Yes, I asked number 02 about it and he said that number 07 had a red glow, red eyes and was very fast on his feet but nothing else." Kiji said.

She leans back into her chair."So number 07 has abilities as well? Hm.".

"What do you wanna do, ma'am?" I asked.

She took a moment to think. "Let's keep him in your care, Hajime. If we transfer 07 to a different building, 07 might close back up when we're trying to get him to open up more.".

"I agree, but what about the abilities? Should we put a talisman on him?" I asked.

"Has he ever done this before in your care?" She asked.

"No, this is the first I'm hearing about it." I said.

"Let's leave it alone for now, I don't think number 07 can use those abilities like a normal thing. Sounds like his abilities activated when he got triggered by something. But if this happens again, then we'll put a talisman on him." She said.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

~End of Flashback~

"Maybe, I should transfer number 07 to another building.. I think I'm starting to have feelings for him which is highly against the rules. If a guard and inmate gets caught in a relationship, a lot of things could happen.. But-" My watch started to beep and I looked at it. It's time for the inmates free time, and number 07 requested to go to the library for his free time. I stood up from my seat. "Seitarou, Yamato. It's time for the inmates free time, let's go.".

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