Chapter 44

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Manga spoilers are in this chapter. I'm not great at describing things, but I hope you still like it.
Y/n's pov;
Someone claps their hands, and I turned to Kiji with his hands together. "Alright, line up it's time to get all of you, inmates into your cuffs.".

I walked over to my friend's direction. Uno looks at me. "Tb/n, my guy!".

I rolled my eyes."Wow, your ass is still alive? Shocker.".

"Good to see your sassy ass is still here." Uno said.

Kiji handcuffs me."It never left Uno." I winked at him, before us inmates followed the guards. I was behind Nico and Uno.

"Hey, do you know where Jyugo and Hajime are?" Nico asked.

"Well.. I couldn't tell you that, but they're fine." Uno bumps into Kiji's back after he stops. "Ow, hey why did you stop for?".

I look around Kiji and there's shit tons of dolls like hundreds. "Holy fuck!" I said.

"Inmate, language.".

"Fuck, no." I said.

Uno hid behind Nico. "Save me!".

"What was that you said about how there aren't anymore surveillance dolls?" Upa asked.

"It's difficult to take you at your word, when you're always full of crap." Liang said.

"I know, I'm sorry!" Qi said.

Kiji sighed. "When this is over with I'd better get a raise." He pulls out his weapons. "Come on, then!" The dolls started surrounding us.


Hajime's pov;
"This area's off limits, I would assume that you didn't come here by choice. But if you wanted to escape, you went the wrong damn way. This is the underground's deepest level, there's no exit. What are you planning this time 15? I hope-" Jyugo slams his head onto the cell bars. "Shut up, Hajime, I. I came down here because I wanted too. Because I thought it was right, because someone told me that this was something no one else could do. Only me. I've been thinking for a long time about these weird abilities of mine. About whether I should even stay in this place.. At first I couldn't find the answer, I was afraid, not just of others but of myself. I felt like my friends would be better off without me, that's why I told myself, I had to escape.. It was something else though, it was fear, I was just scared that everyone would end up hating me. That's the real reason why I broke my word and tried to run. And then when they came after me, when they put themselves in between us, I decided I wouldn't be afraid anymore I'm ready to move forward even if that means conforting my past, I'm ready to live. I'm starting a new life and I'm doing it here, alright! I'm not empty anymore, I came here when I could of ran, so believe me when I say that!" He taps on the bars. "And by the way, I wouldn't have to go through this If you haven't gotten yourself caught and in case you didn't know yet. The murderer who use to supervise this place has escaped, I had to cut down an army of creepy doll things just to get to you-".

"If you want me to rescue you just come out and say it." I said.

"Oh, you would say that. Your behind bars, and I'm rescuing you." 15 notices Samon in the other cell.

Nanbaka x Male ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara