Chapter 45

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Liang's pov;
When Tb/n collapsed on top of me, I couldn't do anything with these handcuffs around my wrist, the only thing I could do was hold his face. His cellmates were holding onto his body so he wouldn't fall off me.

Uno pats Tb/n's back gently. "Just rest buddy, you deserve it.".

"Okay, I gotta ask.. What the hell happened to him? Who- what-" Honey cuts himself off.

"I don't know, I never seen him like that before." Uno said.

"We have back with Hachiman. But he didn't look the way, he did." I said, as I looked at Tb/n and he was peacefully sleeping. "He was someone different, like he had no control of his actions.".

"Hey Kiji, you think you can remove these handcuffs from Liang so he can carry Tb/n?" Trois asked.

I hear Kiji's heels walk towards us and he got beside me and Tb/n. "Normally, I can't but since number 07 saved our necks. I'll allow it." He pulls out his keys and unlocks my cuffs plus the cuffs Tb/n broke. I wrapped my arms around Tb/n. "Let's get moving.".

"I got you." I thought, as I tighten my arms around Tb/n. "You're safe, I'll make sure of it.".


(Manga spoilers past this point)

Jyugo's pov;
The dolls started getting closer to Hajime and Samon, and they weren't paying attention. When I tried to warn them, Samon and Hajime turned their attentions back and punched the dolls back.

"Next," Hajime and Samon said at the same.

"Damn," I thought.

Hajime looks at the doll's head that he ripped off from its body. "Tch, they're so brittle they're not even worth the trouble." He walked back over to me. "Don't you dare move from that spot. If you do, I'll kill you.".

"I got it already! Don't come here just to say that!" I said. A doll jumps up into the air and was aiming right for Hajime. "Hey, above! Above you!".

Hajime turns back around and threw the doll's head at it, then punched through the doll's chest. The doll head that Hajime threw, bounces off the other dolls and hit Samon in the head.

Samon looks at Hajime all pissed off. "Hajime are you trying to pick a fight? Huh?!".

"It was just a coincidence. It's not my fault." Hajime said.

"No way, it was definitely on purpose. Don't mess with me, damn it!" Samon said.

"Then it's your fault for standing there." Hajime said.

"What was that asshole! I'll definitely kill you one day." Samon said.

"I'd have to be stupid to get done in by some feeble- minded mountain monkey." Hajime said.

"What was that, you damn apathetic gorilla! I'm definitely gonna kick your ass once all this is over." Samon jumped high into the air and crushes a doll into the ground. Two more dolls came at Samon from the sides, and Samon did some cartwheel attack. Then attacks a doll in the far back for its swords and fought with them.

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