CANON One-Shot: Wherever You Are (Delphox)

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Request written for Agoriole . This was just TOO good not to write.

"Delphox, I get you're upset but that was no reason to hurt that Gallade like that!"

"Phox! Del Delphox!"

"You gave him a black eye! You BROKE both of his arms!! How is that "going easy on him"?!"

Sylveon sat a little bit aways from Serena and Delphox, attempting to take a nap in the hotel suite they'd be staying at for the night.

"Attempting" was a generous word for it. Being curled up on a pillow while her two closest friends argued like children was more accurate.

"Phox Del Del! Delphox!"

"I get he tried to touch you in places you didn't like but you were going to strangle him if I didn't stop you!"

"Delphox! Phox!"

"You are NOT to bring Ash into this, missy!"

Sylveon groaned as she turned away from her teammates, attempting to fall asleep as best as she could.

'Why did Arceus pair me with literal children?' She thought to herself.

Being part Psychic-Type, Delphox read the eeveelution's thoughts. She was going to say something, but decided not to just yet. She'd get what's coming to her eventually.

After finally becoming Kalos Queen and going on a publicity tour in Sinnoh, courtesy of Palermo of course, Serena became somewhat of a superstar overnight. Signing autographs, doing guest appearances, you name it.

Her Pokémon weren't spared either, as they constantly had their pictures taken, and had various Pokémon approach them to either admire them or ask questions.

For Delphox, however, nine times out of ten it was some cocky male Pokémon who would try to flirt with her, make a passing comment, and then try to rope her into sex. They didn't want her. They wanted her body.

And she showed them what her body could do, letting them dwell on it from a hospital bed she landed them in.

Once Serena had gone to bed for the night, Sylveon finally confronted the fox Pokémon.

"So, care to explain how you got Serena's panties in a twist THIS time?"

Delphox scoffed at her. "It's none of your business." She then turned away from her "sister".

"You haven't been flirted with yet, anyways." She muttered under her breath.

Unfortunately, Sylveon knows all, and heard every word. She made a soft disbelieved noise.

"That's what's gotten you so riled up? Again?!"

"You just don't get it!" Delphox snapped at her. "You don't have these pompous assholes coming up to you every other day while your boyfriend is an entire region away!"

"You think I don't worry about Pikachu?! The fact I don't know where he is and what he's doing terrifies me!" Sylveon shot back.

The two entered a silent staring contest, neither one of them backing off.

"Delphox, I love you like a sister, but you need to realize what you've been doing."

The fox once again huffed and turned away from her sister. "Oh, I know what I've been doing. Putting pricks like them in their place."

"Delphox. You nearly caved a Hitmontop's skull in with Psychic because he wolf whistled at you. You nearly burned a Shiftry alive because he asked if you were still a virgin. And now, that Gallade-"

"He said he didn't care that I was taken. He said that Greninja wasn't worth my time."

"And I get why you'd be mad at that! Really, I do! If someone said that about Pikachu, I'd be livid!"

Delphox gave her sister an incredulous look. "So then why are we fighting?!"

"BECAUSE," Sylveon spat. "YOU'RE BRUTALIZING THESE POKÉMON! If Serena and I hadn't intervened, you would have snapped that Gallade's neck!"

Delphox wanted to yell something back, but... damnit, Sylveon was right. She was brutalizing these Pokémon without remorse.

"Delphox." Sylveon began, jumping onto the couch the now seated fire fox had sat on. "I get where you're coming from. I know you love Greninja, and just want to be with him again. But.. this! This isn't that way to go about that, girl! You're going to get us all in SERIOUS TROUBLE if you keep doing this!"

The fox became silent.

Delphox was a lot of things. She was stubborn, same as she was as a Braixen. She had a fiery attitude, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She was also loyal, and would drop everything to protect those she held dear to her. Her trainer. Her friends and family.


Just thinking about him made her heart ache, and Sylveon seemed to know. The Fairy-Type gently put a feeler on the fox's shoulder.

"You really love him, do you?"

Delphox slowly nodded. "This is the longest we've ever been apart... I just wonder what he's doing right now, and.. if he's even thinking about me.."

"Delphox.. do you want a professional opinion?"

Delphox have the eeveelution a confused look. "Since when have you been a relationship expert?"

"Tch, oh please. I've known you and that frog would've gotten together since the moment I met you two. I've even helped Charizard, and look at him now! That lug got with Alain's Tyranitar!"

"Don't remind me of Tyranitar. Poor girl can battle well, but she turns into an absolute wreck when Charizard is around."

The two laughed with each other. Ever since the whole "Kalos League Punch" incident, they've become quite good friends with Charizard. Serena happened to run into Alain in Hoenn while he was studying mega evolution with Steven Stone. Delphox and Sylveon were thrilled to see Charizard again, and the dragon was no different. He was still the stoic and disciplined fighter he always was, but showed his softer side to the two female Pokémon without hesitation. He trusted them.

Since they'd last seen him, Charizard had made a lot of progress. He'd started to work together more with the rest of Alain's team, and it turned out that his Tyranitar had a crush on the dragon. Delphox and Sylveon were VERY willing to help Tyranitar show how she truly felt to Charizard, and they couldn't have been happier with the result. Charizard was noticeably more happy, and Tyranitar looked as if she had entered heaven itself.

"Delphox, what I'm trying to say is.. don't worry. I've seen how you two are. He loves you with all his heart, just like you do for him. You're always on his mind, I promise."

Delphox couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at her sister's words. The fox instinctively wrapped the eeveelution in a loving embrace.

"Thanks, sis." She said.

Sylveon smiled and returned the hug with her feelers. "No need to thank me. It's what family's for, right?"

The two continued to hug, content with the silence they shared.

"And if he does do something behind your back, I'll bind his arms and legs while you beat the shit outta him!"

Delphox's eyes widened. "S-Sylveon, no!"

The eeveelution giggled as the Fire-Type gave her a worried look. "Re-LAX, Delphy. I wouldn't do all that. Greninja's a lot of things, but he's damn loyal."

Delphox breathed a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't joking about the beating him up part though."

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