CANON One-Shot: Sparring Partner (Greninja/Hawlucha)

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A Night Slash deflected a Cross Chop.

Flying Press countered with Aerial Ace.

Quick, precise attacks with a ninja's grace against flashy, powerful moves belonging to that of a luchador.

In short, Hawlucha and Greninja were sparring again.

"Aye, sancho! Stay focused!" Hawlucha yelled. "You have all the time in the world to look at Braixen later, now head's up!"

Hawlucha then leapt at Greninja, blocking one of his strikes with Night Slash.

"I wasn't looking at her! Butt out of it!"

The frog retaliated by throwing several Water Shurikens at the Fighting-Type. Hawlucha smirked and began to bombastically dodge every single one, striking a pose at the end of the flurry of liquid throwing stars.

"Ha! Not even a scratch! Is that really all you've g-"

As Hawlucha looked back towards where Greninja was... he was met with a log.

"..what the..?"

Before he could act, though, Greninja delivered a nasty axe kick to Hawlucha's head which buried his face into the dirt.

As the luchador was face first in the ground, groaning in pain, the ninja above him gracefully stood on one leg, a singular webbed toe balancing on the back of Hawlucha's head. He scoffed as he crossed his arms.

"Tch, save the flashiness for when you've actually won."

Hawlucha mumbled something, which was muffled due to his current position with a face full of dirt. Greninja leapt off of him, silently landing a few feet away.

Hawlucha slowly got up, spitting out a mouthful of dirt. "Eugh.. no can do, my friend. Buen señor, you really know how to kick a man pretty hard, eh?"

Greninja rolled his eyes and smiled softly, before offering a webbed hand to Hawlucha's clawed one. The Fighting-Type graciously took it as his teammate helped him to his feet.

"I only do it when I'm fighting you."

Hawlucha heartily laughed.

"So, about you sneaking glances at señorita Braixen. What was that about, lover boy? Hm?"

The Water-Type was slightly caught off guard from Hawlucha bringing that back up again. "What is there to say about it?"

Hawlucha smirked at his teammate. "Oh c'mon, hermano! You've been shooting her glances ever since we've started sparring. Almost like you want her to notice or something!"

Greninja huffed as he turned away from Hawlucha. Despite his back being turned, he could feel the hawk's smirk burning its way into his soul.

"It's... nothing. Nothing that concerns you." Greninja said, his voice laced with annoyance.

"Por el amor de.. Sylveon was right about you. You're as stubborn as a Tauros!"

Greninja turned over his shoulder to shoot a look at Hawlucha. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Greninja, I know you like Braixen. Hell, it's common knowledge at this point!"

Hawlucha pointed a claw at his friend. "It's ALSO common knowledge that she likes you back, so just man up and admit it already!"

Greninja then swiftly threw a Water Shuriken at Hawlucha's feet, causing him to jump back a bit.

The frog glared at his teammate.

"First of all, do not tell me how to live my love life. I'll do what I want when I'm ready. Secondly, don't listen to Sylveon. I don't know what Pikachu sees in that she-devil, but she likes to start things. Things that she knows will cause trouble."

Hawlucha felt his spine shiver at Greninja's tone of voice. The frog already had somewhat of a deep voice in general, but when he was angry, he could be terrifyingly intimidating.

The hawk recomposed himself, before huffing. "I.. I just wanted to help."

"I don't need your help, or anyone's for that matter."

The two shared an uncomfortable silence.

Hawlucha was the first to break it.

"You know, I wasn't joking when I said she liked you."

Greninja was silent. He didn't want to hear anything else from Hawlucha, yet... he turned around. He faced him fully. "Who told you?"

"Heh.. she did."

Greninja was silent once again. Hawlucha continued.

"She knew we were close, so she asked me for advice. She's liked you for a while, but you're as dense as señor Ketchum."

A tense silence held a stranglehold on the two again. Greninja was conflicted. On one hand, he wanted to tell Hawlucha off for saying something as unlikely as that, yet... at the same time, he wanted to believe him. He's never lied before, so why would he have any reason to lie now?

Greninja decided to take that chance.

"You're sure?" He asked.

Hawlucha nodded. "Wouldn't tell you if I wasn't, compadre."

Damnit, now Greninja felt bad for snapping at his teammate. As much as he wanted to continue to be grumpy and moody, he couldn't. Not like this.

"Just... don't tell her, alright?" He asked. "Last thing I need is her finding out."

The hawk smiled at his friend. He formed a fist and pounded the left side of his chest. "Won't tell another soul."

Greninja smiled. He wanted to still feel moody. He wanted to still feel annoyed at Hawlucha. Yet despite how he felt, he smiled.

"Hey, how about another round before we call it a day? First to three?"

Hawlucha grinned before taking a stance.

"Gimme your best shot."

Mistakes AU (Headcanons/One-Shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora