Chapter 30~ Just a little touch

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“Do you know what shame you have brought to this family! To me?!” I looked at my father burning up in fury. He wasn’t the loving father I was knew when I was younger, I was staring at a money driven and selfish man, and I had made a mistake of not bending to his rules.

“You had only one way to be useful to me, and you repay me with coming back with a child. You know Beatriz, when you run off to different countries for your modelling and fashion shows, I supported you as long as your mother was fine with it. When you chose Paris without seeking my consent and disgraced me in front of your suitor Lorenzo, who would have been good for business, I forgave you. But you just had to be so strong headed and you went ahead to fall in love for a poor man of no social class, and worst of you come to reward me with this vagabond! You have gone to far, take him and get out. I disown you and I am stripping you of all your birth rights” He screamed at me. His voice ringing through my ears. My heart shattered with his harsh verdict. Was I really just a pun in his game of wealth?

Rule one, never beg anyone…
I did care about the rule my own father thought me that has made me this strong and always have the mentality to be the one in power. I did the last thing I thought I will never have to do all my life. I saw myself kneeling down before him in tears.

“Stand up, did I teach you anything? How dare you kneel and beg?! How can I watch my own daughter plead for a mare poor man and his vagabond of a son.”

“Father please. I know you are ashamed of me, but I have decided to obey you from now on. Please don’t disown me.” I pleaded crawling down his feet.

“I thought you were fine with feeding a poor man.” He chuckled. Mocking me.
i deserved it. I was dumb and foolish and now I realized choosing love was never going to be possible in this world I have been born in.

“I will marry him. I will marry Lorenzo and I will settle down and birth a real heir and a son. I promise just please” I begged louder crying.

“Good I will get Mr. James to type out a contract. What about him??” Father said with so much disgust referring to my son he was never going to accept.
“I will abandon him."

I didn’t realize a single tear drop rolled down my left cheek as I was going down memory lane. I knew Xavier was going to reject me and push me away, I did that all my life even if I knew he needed me the most in his life. He didn’t have a father or ever even felt motherly love, and I somehow expected him to love me.

“I am so sorry Xavier.” I mumbled under my breath.
“Ma’am? Did you say something?” my driver response made me realize I was not the only one in the car and I had to put my guards up and hid my emotions, like I have done all my life just because of I was a public figure and I could never bring shame to myself, my husband, and above all my father. I had to be a perfect daughter, and it didn’t matter if I was an awful mother.

“Driver me to the chairman’s house.” I said in a cold voice, burying my emotions with a stern look.
“Right away ma.”


I raised my eyes to the clock sitting on a high aesthetic shelf in Xavier’s house.
I had managed to stop myself from falling into a deep sleep. I needed to be there for Xavier incase he was going to have a crises in the middle of the night. I was still contemplating what to refer to him as. Mr. Deino? Xavier? Boss? was weird how much I enjoyed calling him Xavier. The name was unique and I loved how he rolled through my tongue.

I was still his secretary after all, but I was now his personal assistant, I had a lot more to handle especially work. Xavier wasn’t in his right senses to continue working, he needed rest, and that was not something a workaholic was going to agree to. I realized burying himself with business work was his escape from reality and if he keeps doing this he was never going to pay attention to why he needed to heal himself, or ever see life from another point of view. He needed something free, a new addiction, and I had no idea what was going to work for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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