Chapter 6~ How dare you hurt her!

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*Xavier's POV*

"Chill out men." Oliver, my so-called psychiatrist said. But presently he was playing the role of a friend.

"I'm busy and I don't want to deal with you," I said calmly as usual. With my dead eyes boring into his soul. This was one of the times I wish I could yell.

"Okay, okay. I will let you work. But please I want your grandmother's money. I need money. So let me help you. Okay?" He said with pleading eyes.

"Not, okay. I don't need you. When I do which will be never, I promise to call you. Now, out." I said pointing to the door.

"Fine," Oliver said raising his hands above his head.
"Close the door behind you," I called out as I watched him leave my office and close the door behind him.

I was back on my laptop, replying to the pending emails. They were getting a lot and my eyes were hurting, being that I had been working on the laptop for hours.

"Linda, coffee," I called out.

I heard nothing. It took me a few seconds to process.
"No more Linda," I said in a low tone. I was about to prepare one myself, but I slumped back into my chair.

"Let's have some fun," I said with a smirk. One of my latest expressions.

I took out my desk telephone and called.
"Desk 12, come here now" I commanded and cut the call immediately. I stared amazed by how fast a fat man could run just to keep his job.

"One...two...three...." I counted and he barged into my office.

"Yes sir!" He bowed low.

"Get me coffee. Just my taste." I said with a bored look. My usual one. Now the fun part. I was so sure he didn't know what I liked and my job was to fire insufficient workers.

He ran back down the stairs almost missing a step, but he held on tightly to railings. I enjoyed watching everyone work through my temperance glass wall. I pulled my laptop away crossed my legs on top of the table and resumed counting.

"" the door opened again. And I saw a sweaty fat guy walk towards my desk.

"Your coffee, sir." He said still panting.

"I reached out to it and held the mug firmly, bringing it up to my lips as I sipped the hot coffee, and gulped out the bitter liquid.

"How many sugar spoons?" I asked calmly.

"None." He said

"You are fired," I said calmly and dropped the mug gently on the table.

"But sir, please." He got on his knees.

"Sadly, I don't do bitter things. And you just had to learn that the hard way....on the bright side, you get your pay before the month ends." I smirked.

"Now get out of my office...along with your bitter coffee," I said and turned back to my laptop.

That was enough to give me the energy I needed. And a lot better than a cup of perfectly made coffee from Linda.

Urrgh...I have to get used to a different routine.

A knock distracted me and I looked up slowly, as Mrs James walked in. Yes, she was Mr James' wife. My grandfather's secretary. I guess they are pretty loyal. Mr and Mrs James grew up with me. Mrs James was my first secretary. I had known them all my life. She was the one who taught Linda how to be a perfect secretary.

"Sir, I see you fired Mr Sam." Mrs James said as she moved towards my table, bowing slightly.

"Yes, I was bored," I said. "Get a replacement quickly," I ordered. "Yes, sir." She answered.

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