Chapter 27~Clause 24

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*Xavier's POV*

"Xavier! I am talking to you, you need to rest, let Priscilla handing whatever contract that Jessica needs to sign." Grandma said in her usual nagging tone and God knows how much I wanted to get angry and explode right at her face. Jessica said to be respectful to elders, so I just shut up.

I ignored her and continued getting dressing, I finally put my coat on and pick up my phone to call my driver. He should be here in five minutes. I haven't had coffee all day and I needed caffeine to function properly. "Can you help me get someone to get me coffee, just the way I like it." I said with a fake smile.

"Don't do that, it is freaking scary." Grandma said as she eyed me. She walked out making a call, in no time I should have my cup of coffee.

My phone rang from my pocket and I picked up right after seeing that it was Dr. Oliver calling. It wasn't my therapy session time at all, and I wasn't in the mood to open up. "Yes?" I answered lazily. I didn't have to be all professional since it was my private line, only a few close to me knew this number.

"Jessica's grandma passed out again, and this time she is almost dying. I just thought you should know." Oliver said with his serious tone, showing it wasn't a joke and he meant business.

"I suspected. She walked out on me crying. She refused to sign the contract. I don't think she will be of much help, if she is not doing this willingly. Is there any other way?" I said.

"You don't get do you. The girl you at least care a little bit about is losing her only relative, her grandmother. Did you even do any research on her? How-? I keep forgetting I am talking to my patient." Dr. Oliver said and I could hear his sigh through the call.

I wasn't good with comforting people, or empathizing or even understanding how this felt, I never really had relatives, or took my relatives as family. This was too much to take it, and my reason for wanting to get fixed was even selfish. I cared about me and only me. Jessica wasn't really that important to me...I tried to make myself believe that.

"Helping her, can lead to helping yourself. Don't be selfish, just this once." Oliver said as he cut the call.

I was planning on finding a way to convince Jessica to sign the contract, but turns out I already found a golden opportunity and I must use it wisely. I just want to help her because I need her, not like I care right?
Grandma walked in with a mug filled with coffee in her hand. And her phone on her ears as she answered a call. It sounded urgent, she had a lot of work load, and she still somehow found time to spend with me and watch over me. I wonder how it will feel to have a mother do that for me. But my mother was long gone. I didn't need her. I didn't need anyone.

"Be safe ok, and once you get her to sign whatever contract that is, get good rest." Grandma said and opened her arms like she wanted to hug me. But I couldn't. I couldn't be touched.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I managed to shake hands with her. Her eyes closed and she smiled widely.

"I really hope Jessica can heal you." I heard her mumble as I walked out of the room. I was sure the bills have already been handled so I didn't bother checking out.

I walked straight into my car as the door was held up by the driver.
"Where to sir?" He asked as he put on his seatbelt and awaited my response before switching on the car.
"Wait. I am expecting the address and a call." I said as I looked through my email until I saw a new mail of the address of the hospital. The next thing was to wait for a call from Jessica. I hoped she was that desperate.

And bam! My phone rang. Bingo! Jessica.



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