Chapter 25~Complications

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*Jessica's POV*

I dragged Lily by her hair all through the way home. How come she did not tell me this important detail about her new life... I know who am I to complain when I am also hiding a secret that is getting me into a huge mess.

I finally released her once we sat on our usual gist couch, aka "the coffee spilled couch".
"Spill the beans, don't make me adopt your violent ways," I said faking a serious frown.

"I am sorry..." She hugged me and I couldn't help but hug her back. We have both been so busy we didn't have time to catch up with each other. I know she would have told me, but I didn't give her the chance to.

"I forgive you. It is all my fault too ... I am just shocked you didn't mention you got a job, or you decided to go back to nursing, or that you got employed in your crush's clinic... how??" I said with a shocked face as I sat down.

She was standing up to get the usuals and start the traditional. It was Friday night, after all, we had skipped this tradition for a whole month!

"Forget about the popcorn and ice cream, curiosity is eating me alive. Get to it!" I said as I let out a giggle, I was so excited, and this was the escape from reality I needed.

"There is something I have been hiding, and there is something you have been hiding. As much as you don't want to tell me yet, I don't want to tell you this too, ok. And when you are ready to tell me I will gather courage and tell you mine too... this friendship should never have secrets."
I nodded, agreeing with what she was saying. If Lily didn't want to tell me, it was too deep to express then. I was sure about one thing, it had to do with her family, her parents, her mother...

"I decided to stop depending on you, you need to save up to help your granny, she is getting worse by the day and I can't help so the least I can do is not add to your bills. So I decided I will be paying half of the house rent, so I can ease you a little, and provide little things around the house, I mean all I do is sit at home and eat like a pig, and go shopping and partying, that is unfair and inconsiderate..." she rambled looking down. She was feeling so guilty.

"Hey... it is ok. I have enough money to fend for both of us. You are my best friend for a reason. You are both my sister, my daughter... my relative! Of course, I should work for both of us." I laughed hugging her again.

"No. I should help and not be a burden."

"You aren't one. I love you. I love taking care of you and Granny." I said.

"I know but I decided to work. I didn't want to get in touch with my mother at all or ask for any connection, so the only clinic that would accept someone that hasn't practiced for almost three years. I haven't opened a book since we graduated from college. For a medical practitioner that is terrible. Then Mr. Oliver Johnson's clinch came to mind. I have a huge crush on him, and getting him to fall for me and earning money at the same time is a win-win." I smacked her head as soon as she finished. She was so determined to get Oliver.

"Why do you even like him?" I said.

She opened her mouth left it wide open, and gave me the "Are you asking me this" expression.
"HE IS SO HANDSOME. Have you seen his face? His features!" Lily screamed out pulling me as she emphasized all about his looks.

"Really? Just looks? You are a smart girl, you look deeper than your facial features, you love personality, a good man. What happened to that lily?" I said. Lily was that type of girl who didn't go dating around for money or looks... she loved love! She went for love! Her dream was to be a good mother and build a family. I just hope you haven't lost that side of her.

"To be honest... I don't know. I am just so drawn to him, and you know this is a first. I don't even know if I see a future in this, but I want to try. He is a good guy, he just acts like he is not. I want to get to know him before I can think of dating him. For now, he is just a crush." Lily explained, her eyes glimmering. That look I haven't seen in a long time. She liked him, and I hoped he would fall for her too... what is there not to fall for?

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