epic love

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A few weeks have passed since Hope and Clark found out they were pregnant with triplets, Hopes baby bump had begun to grow and Clark was getting more over protective by the day. Meanwhile me and Javi were still trying to figure stuff out,

Javi: hey.

Javi spoke into my ear as I was sitting in the library.

Anissa: hey.

I tried my best to avoid him, his family had set him up with a girl from a pack down by the South, she was really pretty, her name was lily, she was 16 years old, and she was really nice...,she was good for him and I wanted to make sure he knew that she was the safer option. I pulled him behind the book shelf,

Anissa: Javi...you have to stop!, you're going to get engaged!

Javi: To a woman that I don't even love!,

Anissa: She is the safest option, you come with me and you will get killed!, do you hear me?!, I can't live with myself knowing that loving you is what is going to get you killed one da-

He suddenly wrapped his hands around my waist which caused me to arch my back a little, the tip of his nose touching mine, I suddenly felt a small flutter in my stomach,

Javi: that feeling that you have right now, that's what I feel every time I see you walking in the halls or playing with Roland, or Helping Hope, I love you and even after I marry lily that's never going to change.

Anissa:...it can't happen, I'm sorry...

I broke out of his arms and walked away, what I didn't know was that lily had witnessed everything and soon she would confront me. I was in my room helping Hope choose names for the babies.Hayley obviously,

Hope: what about a boy name?

Anissa: How about Nik?

Hope smiled at the idea after agreeing we struggled on what to name her other daughter

Anissa: How about Grace?

Hope:...Grace Mikaelson-Clark, I like it!

I laughed at Hopes reaction, while we were talking a knock came from the door

Clark: Hope, could we talk?

Hope: sure.

Clark: I know that we agreed that you would name our kids but...do you think I could name atleast one?

Hope: Sure.

Clark: really?

Hope: they're your kids too.

Clark: well I was thinking Riley, for Ryan.

Hope: Riley....Riley Grace Mikaelson-Clark.

We all became excited on how good the name sounded.

Hope: what about you?, you ever think about kid names.

Anissa:...I always liked Faith and Destiny,

Hope: a boy name?

Anissa: I'll let the father figure that one out and if it comes down to it I'll name it after Marcel.

All of sudden my phone started ringing, it was Emma from the playgroup.

Anissa: Hello?....mmhmm....He did what?!

Apparently Roland had punched a boy at the playground, I quickly made my way to the main office,

Emma: Anissa.

Emma looked at me as I entered the room with Roland and the other boy. But this boy was alone, his parents had not arrived.

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