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Anissa: wait wait let me get this straight you're from another world and you've been on this world for past 3 years

Eric: yea pretty much

Anissa: hold up, Eric O'Connell?-, as in Camille O'Connell!

Eric: wow you catch on fast. yes, my life is pretty much the same as hopes only difference is I'm a boy and instead of klaus and Hayley having the baby it was Elijah and Camille so pretty much roles reversed. See the New Orleans witches used a time travel spell and got the blood of Elijah while he was transitioning into a Vampire and then they kidnapped Camille and next thing you know here I am

Anissa: well if you've been here for 3 years why didn't you go to New Orleans back to our family-

Eric: they are not my family, I've been going under the name O'Connell my whole life because nothing good can come from it want to know how I know, my mom tried to run away from the danger but because she was the mother of a Mikaelson she got killed, I was 2 years old and I can't even remember her but I stopped being a Mikaelson the day I found out why she died.

Anissa: what about your dad Elijah, I'm sure he wasn't that bad of a father.

Eric: I wouldn't know, he left when I was 7, I had to be raised by Freya and Hayley

Anissa: oh... sorry but hey you're here with me and hope this technically makes you our cousin

Eric: I never wanted to be a Mikaelson and I don't want any friends let alone cousins, okay.

Anissa POV: well I guess I can't blame him, I don't think I would ever forgive my dad but i guess I would've thought having Uncle Elijah as a dad would be different but I guess not.

Eric: look I'm sorry, but I have had family before and all I seem to get in the end is loneliness and anger so.

Anissa: it's okay I get it, but could please at least help me find hope, if these people are then they must've done some thing to her.

Eric: okay fine but just because she might be in trouble

Anissa: Thank you

Anissa POV: we walked in silence, I wanted to say something but he made it pretty clear he didn't want anything to do with being my family so I just stayed quiet, then he stopped and turned to me

Eric: I can hear a heartbeat

We quickly ran closer to the sound and then we found a van, and then we saw a hand banging on the back window, we opened it and found hope with a dagger in stabbing her throat which would explain why she couldn't speak or yell and before we could even remove the dagger 5 witches came running towards us

Anissa: you take hope back to the school I'll handle them

Eric: Are you kidding no there's 54 of them

Anissa: what!? How do you know that

Eric: I can here there feet slamming against the ground and these guys are massive

Anissa: Relax I'll be fine just get her back to the school and if I'm not back in 5 minutes for whatever reason feel free to tell Caroline I died.

Eric: Wait- Damn it!

Eric POV: I grabbed hope and vamp speed back to school after I got her to school I tried to go back for Anissa but then my foster mom stopped me

Ingrid: Are you okay? What happened?

Eric: Ma I'm fine I just gotta go back-

All of sudden the doors burst open with Anissa coming through them, she was covered in blood.

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