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Anissa: Javi?

Javier: Hey

Anissa: what are you-, how are you here?

Javier: Could ask you the same thing

Anissa: Nijah and I opened up a portal, I went through but she didn't follow

Javier: How do I know you didn't just shove her down and leave her on the other side of the

Anissa POV: I guess he's still the same dick he was before,

Anissa: come on Javi you dated her too after we broke up, you of all people know that she would sacrifice her life for anyone who she came into contact with her, which is exactly made her naive and weak.

I rolled my eyes at him and tried to walk away but then he grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me against the brick wall.

Javier: You don't talk about her like that ,understand.

Anissa: Okay, Now can you please calm down before anyone else suspects something.

Great, out of everyone I knew from my world it had to be this ass hat who survived.

Anissa: how did you even escape?

Javier: I don't know, all I know is that we were trying to get my pack to safety and next thing I knew I was here, the Vero's adopted me into their family and made it seem like I was their real born son.

Anissa: wow, out of every runt in your pack that could've been sent here it had to be you, look I got to go help Jamie settle in if you need anything then go figure it out yourself

I gave a fake smile and then walked away

Jamie: hey is everything okay

Anissa: yeah everything's fine, are you ready for your first lesson

She nodded yes, we went to the old mill

Anissa: okay first we're gonna try stress spells, we are gonna start with shattering that glass up like this:

Anissa: okay first we're gonna try stress spells, we are gonna start with shattering that glass up like this:

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She pointed her hand at the glass but instead of shattering it the entire cup shattered into jellybeans

Anissa: okay, hey we all gotta start somewhere.

Jamie: Sorry, I've never used my magic

Anissa: Sorry? Gurl you just did a transformation spell, that's like level 2 stuff.

What I said seemed to make her happy,

Anissa: you okay

Jamie: Back at home, just doing magic would put shame on me I've never been praised for doing it.

Anissa: well here the only thing we shame is people being embarrassed to be who they really are and if person is bad then we give them the option of 2nd chance.

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