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Me and Jamie went straight to my dorm to talk through the process of being a vampire along with  also being sired to me.

Jamie: So pretty much I will be forced to do everything you say and I can't refuse

Anissa:....pretty much but hey look on the bright side our minds will be linked as well so we can hear each others thoughts and feel whenever one of us is in danger from 1,000 miles away.

Jamie: And how is that the bright side

Anissa: we'll say if one of us dies atleast we'd know.

Jamie: but if I'm sired to you wouldn't that mean if you die I die with you?

Anissa: Yes.

She looked at me in pure annoyance and then turned away.

Anissa: I know that all of this is confusing but I promise I'm gonna be here for you all the way.

Jamie: thank's too bad I can't say the same thing about my family.

I looked at her with concern

Anissa: your mom is just being a mom, your brother is currently being hospitalized and you pretty much died right in front of her.

She nodded but still seemed sad

Anissa: here how about this, After school we can go into the woods and go hunting.

Jamie: for human blood?

Anissa: No, animal blood, we have human blood in the kitchen

She smiled and then laid back dramatically, I laid down right next to her.

Anissa: we will be okay.

Jamie:...I know.

We pretty much just laid there until the bell rang for lunch.

Jamie went to the old mill waiting for me for lunch but when i got there she was unconscious and black veins were spreading from her arms slowly, I took her to our spiritual healers in mystic Garden,

Anissa: Whats wrong with her?!

Sheila: Don't worry she will be fine, my mom is working on her right now

This is Sheila (Lia) Bennett daughter of Bonnie and Enzo, long story short Bonnie ended up going to the other side and her and Enzo had a...moment and in doing so Sheila was born, she also adopted Pedro after he was put in the school as an orphan.

Anissa: She has to be ok Lia,

Lia: where's her family?

Anissa: they...left , I tried calling them but they wouldn't answer.

we waited for what felt like hours and then Bonnie finally came out with a worried look on her face and then walked over to Caroline who all of sudden had the same expression on her face

Anissa: Whats wrong?

they looked at me as if they were trying no tot tell me,

Bonnie: this might be part of her transitioning but it seems...that when she was killed she didn't die completely but because she's a newly transitioned vampire, She's stuck...on the Otherside.

Anissa:...the otherside? in like Limbo.


my eyes widened, Jamie was stuck in Limbo and the only way i could i think of helping her was-

Anissa: HOPE!!

I shouted through the hallways causing everyone to look my way and wonder what i was so upset about

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