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(Hope POV) Today was the Anniversary of my moms death and i would normally in the daytime go to the lake and just sit their and talk as if she can hear me and then at night i would wolf out and just run through the woods but this time I heard someone crying and went to go see what it was and found a girl, she looked around 15 to 16 years of age and her eyes showed she cried for a few hours before i found her,

Hope: Hi do you need any help?, Whats your name?

Anissa: Um my name is Anissa Mikaelson.

Hope: Excuse me?

Anissa: my name is Anissa Mikaelson, im Rebekahs Daughter

What the Fu-

Dorian: Its a match.

Hope: but that shouldn't even be remotely possible!

Dorian: well it is if you want you can ask her yourself    

Hope: i will

I walked in the library and saw looking at the mini museum in Historical section where a picture of my dad and aunt and uncles stood, she stared at Rebekah in awe and then was surprised when i walked in

Anissa: I know shes beautiful and i knew she was beautiful back then but looking at it now...

Hope: you never really saw her real beauty until now.

I knew exactly how she felt, Its how i felt after my mom died...

Anissa: Look i know you won't believe me but i am telling the truth i am Rebekahs daughter from another Universe 

Hope: I believe you

Anissa: You do?

I honestly didn't but it was the only reasonable explanation and until a find another one i believe her and besides she seems really alone right now.

Hope: well since you're here you can stay in my dorm with me,

She nodded and followed me to my room, as soon as we entered she immediately noticed a picture of me as a baby, my mom and dad, Uncle Elijah and Aunt Rebekah on my drawer.

She nodded and followed me to my room, as soon as we entered she immediately noticed a picture of me as a baby, my mom and dad, Uncle Elijah and Aunt Rebekah on my drawer

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

She was just stood there speechless

Anissa: What's your name again?

Hope: Oh im Hope Mikaelson

Anissa: Hope Andrea Mikaelson?

She said my name as if she knew me

Anissa: You're Klaus and Hayleys Daughter.

Hope: Yea why, did we not meet in the other universe

Anissa: Never got the chance since you died before i was even born, 

Her face then turned from shock to realization

Anissa: Sorry, i dont really think before talking it just comes out by instinct

Hope: Its fine, guess that explains why you didn't recognize me the first time.

We pretty much just stood there in silence

Hope: So um are you thirsty?

Anissa: I could use a drink

i took her to the mystic grill she looked really excited

Anissa: Could i get a Strawberry cake blast with whipped cream at the bottom please.

Hope: Sure

I got her double cheese burger as well and found out she doesn't like pickles

Hope: After this we are gonna do a little shopping just to get you settled in 

Anissa: Thanks, sorry for being so much trouble i promise you won't even notice im here

Hope: well that's going to be hard since you are literally from another universe and technically so to speak you are my cousin.

Anissa: Yeah, I guess i am, but I'll try not to cause too much trouble

I honestly really didn't care wether i would notice her or not but she seemed like she really didn't want any trouble with anyone. We ended up at the supermarket and she stopped by a tent that was selling bracelets, She bought a  bracelet with blue gems on it  and another with a red blood crystals on it

 We ended up at the supermarket and she stopped by a tent that was selling bracelets, She bought a  bracelet with blue gems on it  and another with a red blood crystals on it

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

She handed me the blue one.

Anissa: think of it as a thank you for letting me stay here

Hope: Letting you?

Anissa: what like i dont know you're an all powerful being, I might not have known you but i knew of you, the rumors spread about the baby who "Would be the end of all Vampires",         "Bring death to all witches" and lets not forget that you can use your blood to make hybrid army, and being your cousin didn't really help my case in fitting in.

Hope: So why didn't you change that, you could've done what my family did give me a new name and tried to give me another life.

Anissa: Well I sure as hell aint using my dads name and im not ashamed of being a mikaelson, even through all the killing the war between us we are all broken in our own kind of way and i don't think any other family would know how to take that on.

It didn't take me long to see she was right behind all the killing sprees and that war between our family, We are just as broken as any other family and that is why they still stuck together even after all the betrayal and heart ache we were still a family 

Always and Forever. 

Always and ForeverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz