Judge, Jury, Executioner

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The next morning I wake up to Carl shaking me. I open my eyes and stare at him, he's in a sweater and his hat is about to fall off his head. I stare at him for a little and wait for him to notice.

"Oh. You're awake. C'mon!" Carl says running out of the tent. I sit up and look at the empty cot beside me. I stretch and get dressed, I change into a striped long sleeve and some jeans. I walk out of the tent and sit down. Carol hands me a plate and I look at the eggs on the plate. I start to eat. Carl sits down next to me and he stares. I look back at him and he sighs.

"Can I help you Carl?" I ask, he nods his head and stands up. He readjusts the hat on his head.

"You can eat faster so we can go play. That would actually help me a lot." Carl says pacing behind my seat. I finish my last bite of eggs and stand up to give the plate to Carol. She takes it with a smile, I walk to Carl and we walk over to Lori, she hands me and Carl a mug with water.

"So what'cha gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan." Lori says looking at Rick and Shane. My dad is keeping watch over the guy while Daryl questions him. 

"Is there a plan?" Andrea questions. Glenn walks forward.

"We gonna keep him here?" Glenn asks. Shane looks at Rick, Rick sighs. Me and Carl walk to our chairs behind Carol, Maggie, Dale, and Glenn. We sit down and watch Daryl come back from the barn.

"Boy there's got a gang, 30 men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through her, our boys are dead... and our women, they're gonna- they're gonna wish they were." Daryl tells the group. I look at him, his knuckles are bloody.

"What did you do?" Carol asks him. Daryl looks at his knuckle and then back up, he starts walking to Rick and Shane.

"Had a little chat." Daryl tells the group. Everyone starts to walk away from the group and go their own ways. Me and Carl sit in the chairs still.

"No one goes near this guy." Rick tells the group as they all walk away. Lori walks towards him, Dale stands there looking confused and he stares at the floor for a little. Dale hears the conversation and catches up with Rick, I watch them walk to the barn.

Dale walks back and he walks inside the R.V. Me and Carl sit in the chair and watch the birds in the sky, thunder booms in the sky. I turn to look at Carl, he looks back at me with a smile on his face.

Andrea walks out of the R.V. and walks down to the barn, most likely to keep watch on the guy. Me and Carl get up and walk towards Shane we start to question him.

"So he's a kid?" Carl asks. I look at Shane. Shane sighs and looks down shaking his head.

"If he's a kid why are you guys gonna kill him? Is he our age?" I ask Shane. Shane looks aorund and shakes his head, we follow Shane down to the barn.

"He ain't a kid. Just- That's a figure of speech." Shane says placing his hands on his belt. Me and Carl walk some more.

"Can we see him?" Carl asks. We both look at Shane. He shakes his head immediatley. Shane stops and looks at us.

"No. Look, this is grown-up stuff, all right? Just let us handle this." Shane says looking at the two of us. We nod our heads and Shane walks down to the barn. I turn and walk away.

"Where are you going? Come back." Carl says, I turn around and watch as Carl starts walking to the back of the barn. I follow him and watch as Carl starts to climb up the ladder on the back of the barn.

"Carl! Come back!" I whisper. He looks down at me and nods his head me. I sigh and climb up the ladder. Carl helps me up off the ladder, we walk inside and sit on the little piece of wood, it creaks and dust falls. The guy looks at us.

I Wish    (Carl Grimes x OC)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara