Chapter seventeen: love in the air

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‘’Good evening, Bolaji.’’ Her beautiful full lips parted to reveal her white pearly teeth as she greeted.

‘’Hey, Samantha. I wasn’t aware you were coming here yourself.’’

‘’Well, we are business partners. When I heard you having this party, I felt it rude not to come myself. I wanted to personally congratulate you on your success.’’ Samantha said.

Bolaji didn’t even care about her reasons, he was just glad and happy she was even here. He had racked his brain on how he was going to see her again, he didn’t want their meeting up be confined to just their business dates. Bolaji was glad though, that she felt compelled to come here herself because of him.

‘’I’m glad you came and also, thank you very much.’’ Bolaji face broke into a grin. For a moment it felt like they were the only ones in the room, but he soon came to his senses.

‘’Oh, and this is Bisi Folarin, she’s a friend.’’ Bolaji introduced gesturing back and forth between Samantha and Bisi who had moved beside him.
‘’Bisi, Samantha Browne, a business partner.’’   

‘’Yeah, I know the young heiress of the Browne’s Enterprise. Nice to meet you.’’ Bisi held her out to shake her. ‘’I’m a very close friend of Bolaji and you can just call me Bisi.’’
Bisi moved closer to Bolaji and hooked her hands into one of his as she introduced herself. She felt something in the air between both Bolaji and Samantha that she didn’t like. There was something going on between the two. Bolaji has been acting strange ever since Samantha entered the room. Bisi has never seen Bolaji act like that with anyone.

Samantha shook the outstretched hand of Bisi. ‘’Nice to meet you, Bisi. You can just call me Samantha, too.’’
Samantha cocked her head slightly to the side as she knitted her brows in thought. She pointed her index finger with manicured nails towards Bisi. ‘’Folarin…? Are you by chance related to the CEO of the Antares Enterprise?’’

‘’Yes, I am. I’m his daughter.’’ Bisi answered.

‘’Oh, I see. Nice to meet you once again. Your father is one of the few people I actually respect and look up to.’’ Samantha said.

‘’He’s also around, by the way.’’ Bolaji interjected.

‘’I’ll like to have a chance to meet him then.’’’ Samantha said.

Bolaji looked at the Rolex watch on his wrist, the time to give his speech had come upon them. ‘’You will.’’ Bolaji said. ‘’Ladies, if you will excuse me, it’s time to start.’’

Bolaji excused himself. He went to up the platform and called everyone attention. ‘’Good evening, everyone. First, I would like thank everyone for coming…’’

Bolaji went on to give a long speech. After he was done, he received a lot of applauses that reverberated in the room after he was done. Immediately after he got off the stage, he began searching around the room for where Samantha was. The soft music playing in the background was now really playing loud. He located her some distance away with some poor souls trying to probably ask for a dance. She didn’t really seem to be giving them the time of the day. Apparently, the ice queen thing must have been true cause she was really giving them the cold shoulder which he could see even from where he was standing. He wiggled his way through the crowd of people who were trying to stop him, he only threw them a quick smile and a nod.

Bolaji got in front of Samantha and held out his hand. ‘’Would you care for a dance?’’ He asked. Samantha looked at his hand and slid her hand into his with a smile on her face.
‘’I would.’’ Samantha said.

Bolaji took her to the dance stage which was already filled with people and they began dancing. Samantha laid her head on his shoulder as they began dancing slowly to the slow music playing. His heart was beating fast as he felt her warmth so close to him, he was hoping she wouldn’t notice how fast his heart was pounding against his chest.

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