2.4 Home Away From Home

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[Fred walks to the window and opens it to unlock the door.]

Fred: Come on. Okay, come on. Shhh! Shhh! [He checks that the coast is clear then beckons the others inside.] Okay, come on.

Ron: Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?

[George is half smiling.]

George: Yeah, Mum would never know

Ron: It's not much, but it's home

Harry and Juniper: I think it's brilliant

[Ron looks up. Sees Harry and Juniper's mesmerized faces. Ron slowly smiles.]


"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!" Juniper says smiling. Mrs.Weasley looks down embarrassed, with a smile when the great hall laughs.

[The boys and Juniper nearly jump out of their skin. Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway, furious. They all hide the breakfast rolls behind their backs. She smiles sweetly at Juniper and Harry.]

Mrs.Weasley: Harry, Juniper, how wonderful to see you, dears. [She turns back to Fred, George and Ron.] Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen! [She turns back to Harry and Juniper .] Of course, I don't blame you two.

Ron: They were starving them, Mum! There were bars on their window!

Mrs.Weasley: Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley! [She starts softening instantly.] Come on, Harry, Juniper . Time for a spot of breakfast. [Ginny is running down the stairs.] Here we are. Now tuck in. That's it. There we go.

Ginny: Mum. Mummy, have you seen my jumper?

Mrs.Weasley: Yes dear. It was on the cat [Ginny looked wide-eyed at Harry.]

Harry: Hello. [Ginny runs off] W-what did I do?

Ron: Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. Bit annoying, really.

Juniper: Oooooooh, somebody has a crush on little Harry over here.

Harry: June, I'm taller and older than you. How am I the little one?

Juniper: Taller BY 2 INCHES and older by 3 minutes.

[Mr. Weasley comes in.]

Mr.Weasley: Morning, Weasleys.

Weasley Boys: Morning, Dad.

Mrs.Weasley: Morning Arthur!

Mr. Weasley: What a night. Nine raids. Nine!

Harry: [to Ron] Raids?

Ron: Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating

Juniper: Meh, they're okay.

Mr.Weasley: [sitting down] Well now. Ah. [glancing at their guests] And who are you two?

Harry: Oh, sorry sir, I'm Harry sir. And this is Juniper sir. Harry and Juniper Potter

Mr.Weasley: Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about the both of you, of course. When did they get here?

Mrs.Weasley: (darkly) This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.

Mr.Weasley: Did you really! How'd it go?!

[Mr. Weasley catches Mrs. Weasley's eye. Fred, George, Ron, Juniper and Harry are hiding their laughter.]

Fred, George, Ron, Juniper, and Harry: Oh, it...

Mrs.Weasley: Arthur!

[Everyone except Molly is trying very hard to stop laughing.]

Mr.Weasley: I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry, Juniper, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?

Harry and Juniper: Oh, um...

[An owl screeches in the distance]

"We never did get to answer that." Harry says.

Mrs.Weasley: Well, that'll be Errol with the post. [Errol flies right towards the house, but slams into the window and falls] Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?

Percy: [getting up and walking to the window] Errol... [he rises up]

Ron: He's always doing that.

Percy: taking the letters from Errol and examining them] Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Juniper and Harry's as well.

Mr.Weasley: Dumbledore must know you're both here. Doesn't miss a trick, that man.

[Juniper rolls her eyes]

Mrs.Weasley: Oh, no.

Fred: This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone are very expensive.

Mrs.Weasley: We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley.

"Oh god not this scene." Harry says covering his face and sliding down his chair. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a minute. Finals are just now finishing so I'm able to write more. As the story progresses for each year, the chapters will get longer. Also, this story is almost at 100K views?! The genuinely crazy to me. I appreciate all of you and I do read all of your comments. <3

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