1.22 Into The Unknown

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[At nighttime, in the Gryffindor Common Room, the four first years come down the stairs and begin to walk across the floor. They stop when they hear a croaking noise. It was Trevor, the toad that Neville carried in his hands, way back at the first day of Hogwarts.]

Harry: Trevor.

Ron: Trevor, shh, go! You shouldn't be here!

Neville: [appears behind a chair] Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?

Juniper: Now, Neville, listen. We were-

Neville: No! I won't let you! [stands] You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again! I-I'll fight you. [Neville holds out his fists.]

Juniper: Oh Neville.

Hermione: Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this.[takes out wand] Petrificus Totalus.

[Neville is frozen for a second and he falls backward onto the ground. Hermione puts her wand back.]

Ron: [Gulp] You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant, but scary.

Harry: Let's go. [Walks by Neville] Sorry.

Hermione: Sorry.

Ron: It's for your own good, you know.

[The four are under the Invisibility cloak, sneaking along the corridor.]

Hermione: Ow! You stood on my foot!

Ron: Sorry. [A flame lights up. Hermione draws out her wand and points it at the door.]

Hermione: Alohomora.

[The door opens as the three friends step inside.]

Ron: Wait a minute. He's....

[a blow of air, and the cape flutters off them.]

Juniper: Snoring.

Harry: Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp.

[They approach the sleeping dog.]

Ron: Ugh! It's got horrible breath.

Harry: We have to move its paw.

Ron: What?!

Harry: Come on! [grabs paw, which is blocking the door.] Okay. Push! [They strain and move it. They open the door.] I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign. [Fluffy's eyes open.] If something bad happens, get yourselves out. Does it seem a bit quiet to you?

Hermione: The harp. It stopped playing.

[Drool from one head comes down on Ron's shoulder.]

Ron: Ew! Yuck! Ugh. [All three kids look up and see Fluffy standing there. Fluffy barks and growls, thrashing. It breaks the harp and dives at the three.]

Juniper: Jump! Go! [They all jump through the trapdoor.]

Ron: Ahh! [gasps as he lands on some mushy black ropelike vines.] Whoa. Lucky this plant-thing's here, really.

"Oh no, that's devils snare" Alice says. Those who know what that is look worried.

Harry: Whoa! [The plant begins to move towards them.] Oh. Ahh! [The plant ties both of them up like a rope.]

Hermione: Stop moving, both of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster.

Ron: Kill us faster?! Oh, now I can relax!

[Hermione manages a smile as she is sucked down below.]

Ron/Harry/Juniper: Hermione!

Ron: Now what are we gonna do?!

Hermione: Just relax!

Juniper: Hermione, where are you?

Hermione: [from below] Do what I say! Trust me.

[Harry and Juniper relax and are sucked through.]

Ron: Ahh! Harry! June!

[Harry and Juniper fall through and land on the hard ground. Hermione goes over to them and they stand up.]

Ron: Harry!

Hermione: Are you guys okay?

Harry and Juniper: Yeah, fine.

Ron: Help!

Hermione: He's not relaxing, is he?

Juniper: Apparently not.

Ron: Help! Help me!

Hermione: We've gotta do something!

Harry: What?

Hermione: Uh! I remember reading something in Herbology.

Ron: Help!

Hermione: Um, Devil's Snare, Devil's Scare, [The snare shuts Ron's mouth] it's deadly fun... but will sulk in the sun! That's it! Devil's Snare hates sunlight! [takes out wand and points upwards.] Lumus Solem! [A beam of light shoots out. The Snare shrieks and recoils. Ron falls below.]

Ron: Ahhhh!

Harry: Ron, are you okay?

Ron: Yeah

Harry: Okay.

Ron: [stands] Whew! Lucky we didn't panic.

Juniper: Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology

[There is a sound.]

"What was that?" James asks

Hermione: What is that?

Harry: I don't know. Sounds like wings.

[They enter into a room filled with golden "birds."]

Hermione: Curious. I've never seen birds like these.

Juniper: They're not birds. They're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door. [They come upon a broomstick, suspended in the air.]

Hermione: What's this all about?

Harry: I don't know. Strange.

[Ron creeps over to the door and takes out his wand.]

Ron: [rattles lock.] Alohomora! [Shrugs] Well, it was worth a try.

Hermione: Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!

Ron: We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle.

Harry: There! I see it! [points] The one with the broken wing. [He looks at the broom.]

Hermione: What's wrong, Harry?

Harry: It's too simple.

Ron: Oh, go on, Harry! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest Seeker in a century!

[Harry nods and grabs the broomstick. All the keys suddenly go one direction, right at Harry. He climbs on, swiping at them.]

Juniper: This complicates things a bit.

[Harry pushes off into the air. He flies off, after the key. The others follow him. Harry grabs the key.]

Harry: Catch the key!

[He zooms by and throws the key to Hermione, who catches it and heads for the lock while Harry distracts the other keys. Hermione puts it in the lock.]

Ron: Hurry up!

[The door opens, and Hermione, Juniper and Ron rush through, followed by Harry. They shut the door just as the keys slam up against it.]

"I'm gonna have a heart attack" James says. 

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