Authors Note

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Hey everyone. I just wanted to come on here and say that in sorry for not updating frequently. Between school and doing theatre at school, life is kinda bust right now. That being said I'm going to probably only be posting once a week on the weekends. Hope that's okay and thank you so much for reading my story

                                                                                    -xanthippelily <3

Additional Update. Sorry for not updating in so long, I kind of lost inspiration  for a while but hopefully that changes now. As you can see I gave the story and new cover and changed it to watching the movies instead of reading the books. I also might change the fave claim for Juniper Potter so if thats different thats why. Im hoping to get a new chapter out either today or tomorrow. Hopefully soon though. Have a nice night y'all

                                                                                        -xanthippelily <3

Hey so update. Between school and the rehearsals I have for theatre, my schedule is cram packed. Which means my posting times will be fucked. I'm so sorry I haven't posted on this in forever but I do have the beginning a chapter saved as a draft at this moment. The last show for the musical I'm in is on March 20th and I'm taking the 21st off so hopefully the next chapter will be on the 21st. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long, I promise i'll try my best to update soon.
                                                                                      -xanthippelily <3

Hello Hello. Sorry I have not updated in so long. This story is kind of hard to update on my phone  as my computer broke. I'll be getting a new one hopefully in June so I'll try to update as soon as possible. Hope you understand and thank you so much for all of your comments. I love reading them. 

                                                                                      -xanthippelily <3

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