24: Moving day

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September 17th

It was talked about for a while during the summer, about everyone moving in together for the time we would be in college, or even beyond that. And finally, that day came. Todd and Neil found a cute two-story house to rent and pulled in money between the two of them and Sal and made it possible. Larry was broke right now, so he promised later on in the future he would move in and be able to pay some of the rent. I sadly couldn't move in with them. When I told my parents about the plan, my mom went feral. She couldn't stand the idea of me living with a bunch of guys (even though two are gay, but whatever) and she told me I wasn't allowed as long as I was in college, and they were helping me pay for it. So, I told the guys once I graduate, I may move in with them.

That meant I was stuck helping the others to move into the new house. Todd and Neil were very organized and didn't need my help, besides moving boxes. It was Sal who needed help. I spent the day in his apartment room packing away his things into boxes, and neatly labeling them for later. Once his room was completely cleared out, we took Todd's car to the house.

Sal had a decently sized room on the first floor. There was already a bed inside and a small dresser. We took multiple trips to the car and brought the boxes inside. I finished with the last few and Sal began to unpack and put away his clothes and other small trinkets. I grabbed his posters we bought together earlier in the week and hung them up on the wall.

After two hours we were completely exhausted and decided to take a break and eat. Too bad the oven wasn't working. So, we were stuck eating snacks, but it's better then starving. Todd and Neil also joined us in our sad lunch. They were unpacking their stuff in their room on the second floor.

"Fully unpacked?" Neil asked.

"Almost. I have mostly clothes left. But I might just save the rest for tomorrow, I'm beat," Sal sighed.

"Come on we can do it all today! Plus, I don't want to come back tomorrow," I smirk.

We finished eating and I continued to help Sal, but once he had just clothes left, he sent me away to do something else. I caught Todd in the kitchen setting up a toaster, and when I asked him if there was anything I could help with, he pointed to a few boxes in the living room.

"There's some kitchen stuff, but also living room things. Just unpacking anything would help," he said.

I went through the boxes and decided setting up the kitchen would be the easiest. There were a bunch of utensils and dishware, so I just began sorting them and putting them in cabinets. Once I was satisfied with my organization, I looked at the living room stuff.


Another two hours went by, and I was official out of energy. I threw myself on the carpeted floor and took a deep breath. It was getting late and now was the perfect time to go home.

Sal emerged from his room and sat on the floor beside me. "Thanks for your help today," he said.

"Don't mention it," I sighed. We were on the floor a little longer until Todd and Neil came downstairs.

"I can take you home Katie," Neil offered.

"Thanks, I would love that," I jumped up and followed him out of the house and to his minivan.

The drive was only five minutes, and he pulled into my driveway, unlocking the doors to let me out. I thanked him one last time and went inside. Dinner was already ready, so I grabbed a bowl of pasta and ate. My mom came up to the table and joined me. I told her about my day, and she complimented me on how hard working I was. I guess she's right.

I helped clean the dishes then went upstairs to go to sleep. I slip on a comfortable hoodie and shorts and flop on my bed. I wish I was moving my own things into the house... My mom is just so paranoid about me leaving and living with people, even though I've known them for a year, and I trust them more than anyone in the world, but she just won't see eye to eye. I wonder if Ash were living with them, would that change anything? Probably not, but I can only dream about what could have happened.



Short chapter, I know, but I had to get it out of the way

Hope everyones been well!

Anemoia // Sally FaceWhere stories live. Discover now