16: Welcome to the future

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May 20th

Today was the fated day. Graduation. We finally made it past final exams, and we were graduating today. Even Larry.

I picked out a short white dress to wear under my blue graduation gown. When I put it on, it didn't feel real. When it was time to go, my mom was bawling her eyes out, saying her baby girl was finally grown up.

Larry was picking us up to go to the school, and our parents would meet us there. When I saw the truck pull up, I hugged my mom and reminded her of the time she had to be there.

"Saved you a seat up front!" Larry yelled from his open window. I hoped in the passenger seat and greeted everyone. Everyone looked good. Ash did a new make-up look and had a new purple dress under her gown. Sal left his hair down today and has a Sanitys fall shirt under his gown. Larry convinced him to wear matching band tees. Larry also put his hair in a messy bug.

"Well look at you all fancy looking!" I nudge his side with my elbow.

"Oh, stop it, I'm driving," He chuckled.

When we arrived at the school, we had to check in at a table, and then line up in order of last name. I wasn't near the others, but I could see Sal sitting a row in front of me to my left. Here we were. Our graduation.

The ceremony was slow. Speeches from our principal about how he's proud of us all. A speech from the valedictorian and salutatorian. And finally, our names were being called to get our diploma. Ash was the first of our group to be on stage. She was smiling brightly the entire time she walked across the stage. I cheered and shouted that I loved her, which she heard and waved in my direction. I didn't realize how many other people knew Ash, as students all around me were also cheering for her, and not in a "I'm just clapping to get this over with," they actually liked her.

Then Sal was on stage. I cheered as loud as I could to make up for the awkward silence from everyone else. I could hear Larry behind me yelling "That's my brother!". We couldn't see emotion on Sal's mask, but I swear it looked like he was embarrassed, and he hurried off to his seat. Finally, it was my turn. I took the diploma and turned to smile at the crowd. I heard Larry and Ash above everyone else's applause. I did a little heart with my hands, and Ash shouted, "I love you too!".

Larry's name was called, and he jumped from his seat and casually walked up to the stage. He had no fear of embarrassment, as he cheered for himself on stage. I could only laugh and applaud him. Sal stood up and gave him a standing ovation, which Larry deserves since we were all scared he wouldn't graduate, but here he was.

When Todd went on stage, we all agreed to make him embarrassed, even though he scolded us and told us not to cheer too loudly for him. We told Neil to start off the cheers, and from the side where all the families sat, we heard Neil yell he loves him. Todd heard and turned a deep shade of red. Then the rest of us erupted in applause and cheers. Todd was going to be mad at us later for this, but he looked happy leaving the stage.

When the ceremony finally ended, everyone stood up and threw their caps into the air. I looked up at the roof seeing all the flying caps. It felt magical. I ran over to the side where Larry and Sal found me.

"We did it guys!" I yell over everyone else cheering and talking. I grab the two in my arms and bring them into a big hug. Ash runs over and jumps into the hug as well. Even Todd comes over and joins. We all laugh and congratulate each other. We were finally done with high school.

"Time to fucking party!" Larry cheers.

"After pictures of course," I remind him.

Our parents slowly found us and dragged us away outside for pictures. We took plenty of group pictures, and I took a few of just me and the others alone. Doing different poses with each friend. Larry's photos were my favorite, because he let me get on his back and we both posed. Then it was time for individual photos with parents. While Larry and Sal were taking photos with Henry and Lisa, I saw a particular someone standing by himself.

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