3: A Big Happy Family

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October 29th

It's the last period of the day and I'm scribbling in my journal to pass the time. All day has been a bore, even while hanging out with the group. Maybe it's because its overcast outside and the leaves have just started to change colors, but everything seems gloomy and oddly nostalgic. I've been zoned out for a while, allowing myself to drift in my thoughts. I think of California and the beach. I'd give anything to be in the sun on a towel, watching the waves crash into the sand. A part of my hopes one day the group and I can go to the beach together.

"Hey," Sal's voice brings me back to reality. I hadn't even noticed that the bell rang.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you,"

"That's fine. Come on, get your stuff and let's get out of here," Sal helps in collecting my things.

We walk through the hallways like we always do. I'm so glad its Friday, I don't think I could manage to come back here tomorrow.

"Since it's the weekend, Larry and I were thinking of having a sleepover," Sal says.

"That would be cool. I'll ask my mom when I get home. When would it be?" I ask.

"Tonight. Tomorrow we could even go out someplace,"

"I'll let you know what my mom says. I'll just call Larry,"


We reach the front entrance and see our friends waiting patiently. Ash is already gone and so is Maple. I say a quick goodbye to everyone and a, "Hopefully I'll see you tonight," then rush to moms' car, which is parked a little farther away.

"Have a good day?" mom asks.

"It was fine. Super boring though," I sigh, "speaking of which, can I go to a sleepover tonight?" I figure asking now is a good time. So at least right when I get home, I can give Larry and answer.

"I assume a sleepover with your friends over there," She nods to the group starting to walk away from the school.


"Now Katie... I know you like them and all, but I don't know if I can trust those boys. It would be different if they were girls but..."

"Come on I know they wouldn't pull anything! They respect me!" I argue.

My mom purses her lips together thinking for a moment. Finally, she says, "I'll take your word for it. But if anything happens, anything at all that you aren't comfortable with, you call me immediately and I'll pick you up!"

"Thank you! You're the best ever!" I give my mom a small squeeze on the arm so as not to distract her from driving.


The digital clock beside your bed reads 6:27. It's a good time to start heading out. I didn't bother call Larry since I'm going, I'll just show up and surprise them. I throw on my gray hoodie that perfectly matches my flowy black ripped jeans. It's the perfect comfortable outfit for a sleepover. Of course, I packed extra clothes, just in case we do go anywhere. I pick up my black backpack that's filled with everything I need. Toothbrush, hairbrush, snacks, and a cozy blanket because I refuse to use any of Larry's since they all smell like cigarettes.

When I step down the stairs, my mom is already waiting to drop me off. She confirms that I have everything, and we take off. It's a short drive to the apartment.

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