Chapter 15

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I walked downstairs, noticing various family photos hanging from the walls as I descended to the first floor. Jude was sitting in the living room on one of the couches. His feet rested on an ottoman.

"Where's your mom?" I looked around the living room. The entire place seemed too quiet. "She's in England supporting my brother." He pulled his phone out. "Oh." My lips pressed into a tight line, slightly cringing at the awkwardness. I took a seat on the couch. Documents were lying on the coffee table.

I glanced at him several times before grabbing the papers. It seemed like this was the contract he was talking about previously. The word "BOUNDARIES" caught my eye. I read down the long list.

Physical Boundaries: Both parties agree to maintain appropriate physical distance and avoid intimate gestures or displays of affection beyond what is necessary for public appearances or photo opportunities.

Personal Space: Each celebrity has the right to their personal space and privacy. Both parties agree not to intrude upon each other's personal lives or share private information without consent.

Communication: Communication between the two parties should primarily revolve around coordinating public appearances, interviews, and other contractual obligations. Personal communication should be kept to a minimum to avoid any misunderstandings or blurred lines.

Respect for Individual Lives: Both celebrities acknowledge and respect each other's individual lives outside of the fake relationship. This includes respecting each other's personal relationships, career aspirations, and personal boundaries.

No Pressure for Real Romance: Both parties agree that the fake relationship is strictly for professional purposes and that there should be no pressure or expectation for it to develop into a real romantic relationship.

Consent: Consent is paramount in all interactions, whether they are staged for public consumption or behind the scenes. Both parties agree to respect each other's boundaries and only engage in activities that have been explicitly agreed upon.

Conflict Resolution: In the event of disagreements or conflicts, both parties agree to handle them professionally and discreetly. Any issues should be addressed directly between the parties involved and resolved in a timely manner to maintain the integrity of the fake relationship.

End of Relationship: Upon the conclusion of the fake relationship, both parties agree to part ways amicably and respect each other's decision to move on professionally and personally.

Media Interaction: Both celebrities agree to present a united front in interactions with the media, but also recognize the importance of individuality and authenticity. They will not speak on behalf of the other without prior consent.

Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep the details of their fake relationship confidential, including any contractual agreements or behind-the-scenes arrangements, to preserve the illusion for the public and protect each other's privacy.

"All good?" Jude looks over to me, gesturing toward the contract. "There's a lot of consent, which I have no problem with.. just mentions it quite a bit." I put the papers down. "My manager wanted to make sure you didn't feel pressured." He grabbed a pen. "Can't say the same for mine." I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue. He looked up at me suspiciously before going back to what he was doing.

The front door unlocked and a man in a suit came in. Jude waved at him like it was nothing that a random person just barged in. "Hello." The man said, a thick Spanish accent rolled off his tongue. I flashed the man an awkward smile.

That Night | 𝘑𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now