Chapter 14

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Madrid, Spain

As soon as I left I came back 😭😭

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As soon as I left I came back 😭😭

User3737801729 did a certain someone bring u back? 😗

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User1029374741 It's suspicious how she was spotted with Jude not even a week ago and now she's back in MADRID.

User74830244490 nah cause they're def fw each other

User243810420171 it's just a coincidence 😓💔

User890173749163 delulu til trululu 😭😭

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User5792740123 girl be careful around that footballer.. he's a player on and off the pitch.

User399907510 she's a grown woman, she can date whoever she wants 💀

User019273957 no literally.... she's young as well so let her have some FUN!

User430191235 hes hot asf too so take advantage of the situation while u still can igggggg

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I disembarked from the plane and walked into the airport. The section I was in was particularly crowded with people. Do that many people want to go to England? I looked at my phone to see several messages from my manager.


Let me know when you land, I'll have a cab ready.

Sent 34 minutes ago

I just got off the phone with Bellingham's manager and we agree that you should stay at his pad.

Sent 15 minutes ago

Does my opinion not matter anymore? The hell?

I walked to the entrance of the airport, practically shoving past people. I got a notification on my phone from Ian again. It was a screenshot of my Lyft. Silver Subaru...White male named Christian. That's easy enough to remember. I walked to the curb, searching for this Subaru. A car horn honked, gaining my attention. Lucky enough it was the Subaru I was looking for.

I squinted my eyes seeing the same man from the screenshot. Jackpot. I'd drag my luggage to the curbside. The man got out of his car and opened up the trunk, taking my bags from there. "How was your flight, Ms. White?" He closed the trunk once he got everything in. "Long and tiring." I went to the backseat of the car, settling myself in.

"I bought you an iced coffee, as requested by Ian." He got into the drivers seat and handed it to me. "Thank you." I sipped it, immediately savoring the taste. Thank God for caffeine. I kept taking sips. "Would you like any food before I take you to your destination?" He looked in the rearview mirror. "No. Just take me directly to Palacio de los Duques." I pulled up a picture of the hotel on my phone and showed it to him.

"Ohhh Gran Meliá. Beautiful hotel." He nodded in approval and started driving. I know Ian is going to be pissed that I'm not going to that weirdo's pad, but I don't really care. I'm not going to torture myself with that amount of awkwardness.

20 minutes later

We should've arrived at the hotel by now. What the hell is the holdup? I looked out the window. We seemed to have past all the hotels. "Hey, where are we going? The hotels are back that way.." I spoke up. The driver remained quiet. No way I was getting kidnapped. I grabbed my phone and started texting Ian.

This guy just passed all of the hotels.. I think I'm getting kidnapped

You're not. I just instructed him to take you to Bellingham's pad no matter what.

What the hell is wrong with you?

His mother lives with him as well, so I should advise that you make a good first impression. After all he is a momma's boy. And don't worry about a cover story.. Bellingham's manager took care of it.

I felt myself start fuming. This man.. the next time I see him I'm going to slap the shit eating grin off his face. First he manipulates me into going across the world for 6 months, now I have to live with Jude Bellingham's MOTHER. 

After another half hour of driving the car stopped in front of various pads. All of them were equally beautiful and lavish. You could tell that they cost more than ten million pounds. Not only does he have a dream career and face, but also a dream home. 

"We're here." The driver announced, turning the car off. I got out of the car and opened up the trunk. The man offered to help but I refused. "I can take it from here." I grabbed my luggage, glaring at him. "Good luck." He went back into his car and drove off. Good luck? Kiss my ass. 

I stood in front of the house. There's no car outside so I'm not sure if anyone is home. I walked up to the front door. Before knocking I fixed my hair, trying to not look as disheveled as before. I'd knock three times on the door. After about 20 seconds the door opened. 

I was expecting to see a woman but to my surprise it was Jude. We stared at each other for a considerable amount of time. "You look rough." He comments, eyeing me up and down. "You're the reason for it." I glared at him. He scoffs, moving to the side to let me in. 

I got all of my bags inside and set them down somewhere out of the way. I'd go back outside to retrieve my suitcase. When I tried to lift it up the step, my arms gave out. "Here. Let me." He reached over and grabbed the handle, lifting it with ease. I felt slightly embarrassed at how hard it seemed for me and here he was practically lifting it with his pinky. 

"I'll show you to your room." He grabbed one of my bags as he walked passed. Now he was carrying both the suitcase AND a backpack. I grabbed the rest and followed him. This place was beautiful. I've never been inside a house quite like this one. "Nice house you've got." I followed him up the stairs. He hummed in response. 

We made it to the second floor and he walked down a hallway. He stopped in front of an empty bedroom, most likely for guests. "This is your room. It's right across from mine." He gestured to the bedroom behind us. I looked around the spacious room. "I think this entire bedroom is the size of my entire apartment." I'd walk further into the room, dropping my bags on the bed. 

"I'll let you get unpacked and then we can discuss the contract." He set down the rest of my luggage. I nodded, watching him walk away. I'd begin to unpack, putting my clothes in the drawer. I noticed that there was a sliding glass door. No way I get a balcony as well. 

I opened the door, walking onto the balcony. It gave me a pretty good view of most the neighborhood. Six months living in this place should be a breeze. Well, as long as there isn't too much drama between Jude and me. 


That Night | 𝘑𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘮Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant